Okay, I told myself when the weather improved I would quit. I have 2 packs left, sold 3 out of the carton, I am 1 week ahead in school (drug n alcohol counseling) so I think I am ready. In my class we covered nicotine addiction, so I have all the information I need. Now I just got to knuckle it out for 3-4 days.
rfrankh53, nicotene step down patches help the knuckle down phase? cool news about school, keep up the great work.
I have used the patch, I went back to smoking even pulled it off to smoke! T want the withdrawal to be painful so I won't want to go through it again. The easier it is, the less affective for me it would seem. I know all the delivery systems designed to wean me off. I may have to use chantex next...
ooohhh not me i’m a big chicken when it comes to pain of any sort…do what you need to do hun and good luck one day at a time…go get’un gggrrrr
I quit for 10 yrs, cold turkey. I have been smoking again for 2 yrs. The worse is over in 3 days. Like any addiction, quitting will only work when my desire to quit exceeds my desire to smoke.
touche hun....took that for me to quitt the booze. so have you quit smoking yet or working on a target date?
I quit dec 1, 2010 and on jan 29th I had the insane idea I would just smoke 1 cigarette in the evening before bed. I recognize this behavior It is simular to controlled drinking....it doesn't work. I have read something that may help. I would attach the pdf if I knew how here. Today is my quit day I have 4 cigs left. After I smoke the last one an hour later I plan to put on a step 2 patch 2mg... plan to use it for 3 days, then stop.
excellent plan! i know all to well the "just one" deal. ooohh proud of ya! keep us posted on how your doing, always open for detox rant.....
well this is day 2 and I am almost okay. I feel better, with small occasional urges. I just remind myself I am now a non-smoker.
big congrats…you don’t feel really irritable or anything like that, high strung anything?.
I had one cig today...no more...I can do this!
thats ok hun, your working at it and doing what ya can but don't ya think that the one ciggy is like the one drink deal? thats how it always worked for me i cannot have just one. i'm such an additive personallity person...keep up the good work hun. i ciggy i bet the lungs are happy your not pounding them with more. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!