2 days in a row where my stomach isn't all twisted. I know as it gets closer to the move out day July 2 it will get bad again. I still love my wife but she has all but moved on. Certain times of the day are worse than others; the drive home from work is bad. I'm trying to distance myself from her as she has done to me but it's hard to flip a switch and stop loving someone. I know my situation could be a lot worse, we are living together and are on good terms, we have agreed on a separation agreement that is fair. Still I can't fathom a life without this woman I've lived with and loved for 29 years.
I am going through the same kc. I'm still in the house. Still sleeping in the same bed. On a Tuesday I was able to hug her, kiss her, tell her I love her and that night we had "the talk " and on Wednesday we were at roommate status. How do you turn off affection after 20 years over night. I keep thinking about the move date also and I know all these emotions are going to come out again. We can do this. You can do this
I think I will feel better once I'm out of the house. We are not sleeping in he same bed at fist that was tough, but I got use to it. Just like I must let her go because she's going if not gone already. All the self pity and sadness I'm displaying isn't going to change that. The only one I'm hurting is myself.
@kcdirtcop I hear you. I know I’m doing myself an injustice by staying and the real hurt won’t come until the day I walk out that door but I can’t seem to do it. Totally at a loss. I don’t want to see her strapped financially even though this was her decision. My love for her is still too strong.
I felt the same way, now I realize that she knows how I feel and staying is not going to make the separation any better. She has to realize that she made a mistake on her own if that happens.
Fill your time...go for a jog or walk...going home to nothing is not good. Tire yourself out by excercise and you make it through another day. Can't say that method will last forever but it worked for me for 14 years.
I have heard that a lot. I planned to walk my dogs more but my golden needed paw surgery and can't get around well.
I know it sucks when I can't go jogging with my dogs. I have a Dacshund and shih zhu and they both jogg with me...but 1 is 7 and the shih is 6.... The D is either too old or the S gets tired or it is too hot for either. So sometimes I go alone. But I'm almost 48 and jogging emotionLly compromises me. Im the odd ball because jogging increases my depression...but it use to stop the anxiety. Im not one to give advise b cuz I'm not fairing well at all. But I have 2 choices...to Live or to die. I haven't come to terms with killing myself yet so I live.