A lesson to learn

I just needed to tell my story. About three years ago my only brother ran into a rough patch in life and started drinking. He had gotten to the point were he would drink a handle of vodka a day. A functioning drunk, he lived this way for about a year. Then his body finally rejected the booze and he nearly died from a stomach ulcer that nearly ate through his stomach. He finally got help and quit drinking. He stayed sober for some time, getting his life back together. Even when the love of his life passed away last January, he managed to stay sober. Then on June 18th, he decided to celebrate a new job, his dream job. He drank that night, the first in a long while. His roommates remember him being in a good mood, but admittily drunk. My father found him on June 20th, in the early morning. Sometime on June 19th, he passed in his sleep. One night of fun cost him his life. Now my children will miss out on that special smile that he was known for, and I will never have him in my life again. Please...learn from this if nothing else, it only takes one slip to cause so much pain.

Hi, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll pray for your family and you. I know you will have to get through the grieving cycle, but in my case, from experience, it took me almost 13 years because I shoved my grief on a shelf, continued working, raising my children as best I could, and online education. Wasn't a good idea. It's sad to say that I had a number of individuals on both my mother side and father side that were alcoholics. Funny, non of them died from the disease, but I am tempted to say I believe it had an affect on there health and death.

I am going to take heed, and thank you for sharing your story. Give your family my condolences, and take it one day at a time for healing. God Bless!!