A Little Better

Today was a little better, with the pain more bearable. But last night I slept terrible, getting very little sleep. I was in and out, tossing and turning for what seemed like all night long. I would fall asleep and would stay asleep for no longer than an hour or so at a time. So when I say I stayed in bed until noon, many people aren't going to blame me. Even then I still got no real rest. So I am hoping that tonight will be a better sleeping night and I can actually stay asleep for more than an hour at a time and be able to get some actual rest out of the deal.

Take a look at this website. I just found it recently and emailed the doctor for more information about an ambulatory sleep study. He believes fibro is rooted in sleep disturbance. The sleep disturbance doesn't show up in a typical sleep study because it is not as pronounced as sleep apnea and the tests are not sensitive enough. It's intriguing. His other articles about fibromyalgia are right on because they reflect what I did to improve my symptoms too so I think this is worth researching. www.raystrand.com - on the home page scrool to the bottom and click on the Featured Disease Fibromyalgia. In his newsletter click on Fibromyalgia a Sleep Disorder.