Would you consider wanting to stay home and pull the covers over your head and stay in bed. Actually doing this. To be more Agoraphobic or more from Depression? I can't figure out if I am afraid to leave the house or if I'm to depressed to get up. All though recently I have been getting out of the appartment 3 days a week. It's hard to get my butt out of the bed and get down stairs to wait for my ride. It's cold and I'm tired ect. I have to force myself to move.
hey laurie,
im not a doc or any other pro but based on this it sounds more like depression.
other question though, if you do go out how does it make you feel?
and is it important why you don't wanna go out? does it make a difference to find ways for you to be able to get out of that bed? have you thought about what could motivate you?
I’m glad I’m getting out of the house some it means,to me, that I’m functioning in a more normal capacity. I’m engaging in the day rather that hiding from it. I feel as if I have accomplished a good thing.
I think what motivates me most is having something to do during the day and finding stuff that’s free is a big problem. I do go to the Mosaic House.It’s a club house for folk with mental health issues. Mostly borderline personality disorder. Some are a lot worse off than me. Some times I can only take so much. Also They follow a work ordered day. So it’s a little like working.
Hi Laurie
There was a time when I did just that..."pull the covers over your head and stay in bed" I know now it was depression. I also have agoraphobia that's much different then depression...agoraphobia is when you become uncomfortable or the fear of open spaces, for me it is only when someone or something is in control that space… where I just don't feel safe.
Thank you,
you make a good point so you are saying that it's depression? I guess I could say I'm mildly agrophobic but maybe I should drop that group. I'm more concerened about leaving the house than the size of the place I'm going. I do avoid Malls at this time of year because I'm terrified of the crowds becoming riotess.