We've all been there right? Out doing out thing, and next thing body confidence hit an all time looooow, it's a horrible feeling.
One thing that has helped me, out and about or even when inside, is I imagine my body as it is and think of it as being the perfect body. I don't mean changing it down a size, or taking away a stretch mark, or my crooked toes, or weight off.
Just imaging this is the perfect body, this is the body everyone wants, my arms are perfect, my crooked toes are perfect, my bitten finger nails are perfect, my long legs are perfect, my butt is perfect, my lovehandles, etc...and all of it, just as it is and anyone would want this body just as it is.
It really helps to bring you into yourself, instead of looking around and doing comparison checks just staying with yourself in your own skin.
So remember you are beautiful, just as you are, but the real person who can tell you that is you.
Love you
Moongal x