Relapse definitions:
1 : the act or an instance of backsliding, worsening, or subsiding
2 : a recurrence of symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement
Relapse can happen to anyone at anytime no matter how long you have been sober and/or clean. A relapse can occur when we stop doing the things necessary to stay sober and clean. A relapse usually begins long before we have picked up a drink or drug. In order to stay sober and/or clean, we need to be willing to go to any lengths to do so just like we were willing to go to any lengths to get the next drink or drug. If we let up any, we could possibly be setting ourselves up for a fall.
These are some warning signs:
Hanging around old drinking haunts and drug using friends – slippery places
Isolating – avoiding contact with others
Keeping alcohol, drugs, and paraphernalia around the house for any reason
Obsessive thinking about using drugs or drinking
Failing to follow ones treatment plan – quitting therapy – skipping doctors appointments
Feeling overconfident – that you no longer need help or support
Relationship difficulties – ongoing serious conflicts – a spouse who still uses
Setting unrealistic goals – perfectionism – being too hard on ourselves
Changes in eating and sleeping patterns, personal hygiene, or energy levels
Feeling overwhelmed – confused – useless – stressed out
Constant boredom – irritability – lack of routine and structure in life
Sudden changes in psychiatric symptoms
Dwelling on resentments and past hurts – anger – unresolved conflicts
Avoidance – refusing to deal with personal issues and other problems of daily living
Engaging in obsessive behaviors – workaholism – gambling – sexual excess and acting out
Major life changes – loss – grief – trauma – painful emotions – winning the lottery
Misuse of prescription drugs
Ignoring relapse warning signs and triggers
Please feel free to add any more thoughts and/or warning signs that you may have or have had.