Absence remembering to fight

hey everyone,
sorry for my recent absence, not replying or being supportive.
my psychologist calls it a 'crisis' week for me, iv had to have constant support everyday this week. its been awful. i rocked up to ER last night scared of what ill do to myself... it only made things worse, i felt worse, but didn't self harm all that much.
But im getting there, apparently its to be expected to some degree... ED's numb emotions, and when they are coming away all of a sudden theres all these wonderful surprises of out-of-control emotions waiting! hurruh!
i really hope you all are well, remember we have to keep fighting even in the hard times. I often give up when hurdles come, but this time i won't.
ED's are just a slow form of suicide.
Stay strong - think LIFE! not thin.

i agree with you on the thought that EDs are a slow suicide--and a tortourous one, like a freind called it--a slow bullet to the head...

i am sorry you are having a hard time....do you have people there to help you?

keep writing and sharing...

and yes think LIFE NOT THIN!


Oh my gosh. That scares me so much. I honestly got a chill! "ED's are a slow suicide"! I don't want to kill myself! Oh my goodness. I am stuck, I haven't been doing well at all but I have never thought of it as suicide. NEVER. I'm scared...

Seriously got to start thinking LIFE NOT THIN! New goal.

Thank you for opening my eyes today :)


yes allee, hon EDs are deadly . i know first hand. i did almsot die from it. strangely enough i continued in my ED after my life was spared till last year. yes they do kill. and take away your health. and i dont to scare you but it is true --and it is good to have your eyes opened to the truth...

yes they are a slow suicide...

i dont think we intentionally do it--but it is a slow....torture...


Im sorry for sounding so innocent or maybe naive, but I seriously never looked at it that way until today. And it scares me. Because now that I see it that way, I am scared for myself. Worse, I don't see my way out, and don't feel the ability to stop. I don't want to die, or slowly torture myself for that matter! I know it always messed with my health, but ED is clouding my vision so much lately. I am so confused and scared.

I hope this ED vision clears soon. I don't want to live this way.


you can get help for it hun… just ask ur GP for a referral somewhere they think suitable, even for outpatient treatment. its really helping me, its very hard but worth it even in early stages…

i do very much hope for you too, allee...

i do... keep your head up , and i hope you get to that therapsit soon.. you can do this..

i printed out a 4 page long article on how EDs affect your health...and man, was that ever long and scary! i swear after i read that i ate a sandwich...there is really a lot of complications from ED i think we only think we are immortal from ED but we so are not...

i will type that out on here after my B-day weeekend...(ha) ---cause there is so much to type, but i want to put that on this site... as a reminder what can happen...


Thanks Maureen.

That would be great to have all the information on here as a reminder. I know I am a nursing student but I honestly don't know everything I should about this horrid disease.

Thank you

allee..eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, and they are the third top reason for the death of females ages 14-19.
There are many many dangers involved, and sadly, being a medical professional will not offer you any better education about eating disorders than the average person on the street. Sad, but true! There is great educational material out there, you just have to look for it!
Take care.....Jan ♥

im ok thanks guys..

Sorry ifihadwingz

How are you doing today? I hope your doing better. I'm sorry you find some relief in self harm. It's a horrible cycle- isn't all this? I'm really sorry you are going through a tough time though!

Keep writing okay! But remember we are all here for you. Thinking of you

thanks allee :)
sorry for being selfish xx

I'm really sorry though. Your comment on top just freaked me out. I feel terrible. Your weekend going okay?

Thinking of you,