ACA Affirmations

You may be familiar with the "ACA Characteristics". Here is some positive reinforcement in the form of "The ACA Affirmations". It's great to have a goal and some feedback to measure progress.

Check these out and see how far you've already come!

People in authority don’t frighten me anymore

I don’t need the approval of others in order to be ok

I’m not a victim any longer

I take care of my own wants and needs

I don’t need to rescue people anymore

I don’t judge myself harshly when things don’t turn out perfect. I try to learn from my mistakes

I know how to have fun

I’m a normal person

I’m not super responsible or super irresponsible, I’m balanced

I am able to have intimate relationships

I no longer isolate myself from others even when things are not going well

When someone disapproves of me I no longer need to change their mind

Angry people don’t frighten me

I don’t live on the edge taking risks all the time anymore

I stand up for myself rather than giving into the demands of others

I tell others about my feelings

I don’t lock myself into a course of action anymore

I don’t spend time cleaning up problems after others anymore
