Will read. Md Anderson is my second opinion. First DX was diffused large B cell, this after several months of going to Primary care doctor, DX was Mono 1 year ago this month. Nodes stayed inflamed, so was sent to Allergist, 12 vials of blood work, allergy skin tests, results neg, also no sign of Leukemia, I asked about Lymphoma, need to see Ear,Nose,Throat doc for that. Time marching on, nodes still swollen, feel crumy, went to ENT, Hmmm lets try you on a really strong Antibiotic 2 weeks. No change, Hmmmm maybe we should do a scan, Scan neck, suspicious nodes, 2wks, are you having symptoms? Not loosing weight (I wish) night sweats? (How would I know at mid life?) Maybe we should do a needle Biopsy. Follow up, you have Lg B cell Lymphoma. My response, "that's what I thought" (didn't know there were many different kinds) Sent to TX Onocolgy, Lymphoma type sounds wrong, more tests, put Chemo port in, dr vacations, follow up, doc thinks she wants a node removed to make sure of orginal DX, more time, finally decided to go to MD Anderson in Houston TX for a second. New tests, plus bone bio's, underarm bio, heart check, etc. Final DX is Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma/Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with increased lg. cell, 4th stage. And because not symptomatic, W&W advised. Fine with me, just have to flush the Port out by surgeon every 6 weeks. Enjoying free time, flare ups start, worry, feel good, feel bad, 3 months of up and down.
As I was typing this my PA from MDA called about the flare ups, and I asked about the Chemo pills. He said my type is not a good match for the older pill but there is a new one that is in the final stages of testing. I asked if he thought I could get in on the trial and he thinks I might qualify, lots of checks and balances first. I hope I haven't put everyone to sleep with all the background talk, but its good to talk with people who are also dealing with indolent Lymphoma.
Thanks for listening,