A couple weeks ago I encountered my first EVER physical confrontation with a brother of a girl I was kind of "talking" to. To make a long story as short as possible...
She was someone I met and kind of dated for a very short amount of time. I knew she wasn't good for me but I kept her around for really stupid and selfish reasons. At one point she got angry with something I told her and slapped me across the face twice! Why in the hell I didn't walk away for good during that time is so far beyond me. She than proceeded to send me nasty emails and sent an extremely vile email to someone very important to me. I told her to leave me and my friends alone and she did. I went out a couple weekends ago and she was there with a new girl (thank god or so I thought). She kept her distance so I thought everything was fine until I left and her brother came up behind me and pushed me into my car. Unfortunately, I parked in a back lot and left earlier than most so no one was around. He kicked me behind my knees so I'd fall and proceeded to kick me in the stomach and chest. I walked away with a fractured rib and painful bruising so I guess I should be thankful that's all it was.
I've struggled with the idea that I deserved this. I've always been a very honest, respecful, open person but I did keep her around for reasons I shouldn't have. She knew I wasn't into her and my heart was else where so I can't really say she had no idea b/c she certainly did and choose to stay anyway but still. I have Karma tattoo'd on foot for a reason. I feel like Karma welcomed me that night for using someone the way I did.
I've also struggled with turning them in or not. I'm in MD and the process is a pain in the *** I quickly found out. As long as they leave me alone I"ll be fine but unfortunately I've never been attacked like that in my life so now everytime I walk outside I'm scanning every inch of space around me thinking one of them is going to pop out of a tree. Did I do the right thing by not turning them in?