
I need some advice. My family and my husband family do not get along. When we have birthday parties for our kids 1 family is in the living room and the other is in a different room. THere is no mingling and if there is it is just not pleasant. These days are full of anxiety and stress for me.

In our new house there is no way for the families to seperate so they have to mingle. The last b-day we had was unbelievable stressfull and it felt like there was a million pound elephant in the room.

My family lives in 1 state and my husband family in another. So parties are hard 1 family or the other has to travel or we travel. SHould I continue doing these combo parties or showed i just say we will visit 1 or the other family twice a year for 2 different parties?

I just want to scream!!!!!

Here are a few ideas to try if you'd like:

You can have two separate parties


Maybe find some ice breaker games to get them all involved. I did some google search for you and here are a few I found:

I hope some of these will help. Not sure if maybe you'd like to do a family reunion to do the icebreakers so everyone can get to know each other, etc. But thought this might help you. Hope this does help.

Thanks! I will have to look at everything. That is a great idea. If it looks like it would be fun and not create an argument I might try it. Thank you again,

:) I hope they help and gets everyone to loosen up with each other :) Keep me updated. Can I add you as a support friend? I'd love to hear how it goes.

if you really love your boyfriend your family should be happy for you what did he do to them