After 19 years...was my husbands brain highjacked?

I met my husband at the age of 19~ We have three boys. After many hard times,ups and downs and job changes I had felt that we were finily smooth sailing....silly me!
We moved 1900 miles away from our home for him to start a new job with a wonderful salary increase. After three months and the sell of our house he left me and the kids. Told us that he was tierd of being a full time husband and father. Didnt really like being married and packed his bags and moved out! I have no eduction. I worked night jobs and took care of our kids while he went back to college.
Now he says, he wants to reconnect,but mostly I find out when hes not over here being a part time dad hes out at bars and making new friends!
Im so so lonely,my teens are confused and we all just want to go back home!
Does he have a brain tumor? Did something highjack his brain?
How can he be so horrible?
Now its been 2.5 months of him being gone...Im not sure if I want to work on a marriage even if he wants to. How could I move on with hurt like this?

Hi there
Im sorry this is happening to you and your situation ..welcome to support groups
I think it would be good for some counseling first and then you could determine if things are salvageable or not. If he is bar hopping and making new friends.
His actions give you a reason to have "TRUST" issues.
What would stop him from coming back and then deciding in say 6 mths he is tired of the relationship again and leaves a second time. That would be again upsetting and confusing for the kids.
Go with your gut instinct and if he is truly wanting to reconnect then (marriage counseling) would be first on the list to see where his heart really is.
You lay out the ground rules here show him your taking control of your life and your not going to get hurt a second time if he is not truly changing his ways.

he may need counseling of his own before you would consider marriage counseling I don't know.or both of you have separate counseling first.was he absuive in any way?


sounds to me like he is going through a midlife crisis. hes getting older and in his mind tied down to kids and a wife. lets go feel young again and start bar hopping like i did when i was younger it will make me oh so much better. he will totally regret that when he sees the hurt he has put on all of your faces. i dont know what i would do but i do know that kids come first in my mind. talk to them about it and find out their views, besides daddy sucks that is. they need to know that they are loved despited all of this so they dont grow up with low self esteem like i did.

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