Hi im a 17 year old girl and i have been facing a eating disorder for years.
It started in summer camp 2 years ago, i wanted to go to camp lose alot of weight and come home looking all skinny and pretty! Everyday in camp i would excersize like crazy and eat supper healthy. i started to become so envolved with my habits that i even neglected my friends and thougth that excersize was more important than hanging out with them. Well i did it, i came home skinny and looking amazing, but when i looked back on that summer i lost alot of my friends. When i got home everyone was so impressed wiht the way i looked but i adventually fell out of it and started eating and not excerszing. During that year i was going on vacation and decided i needed to look like i did that summer. so i excerzied like crazy and barley ate. i was doing crunches every morning and every night. i would run as much as i could during the day and alot of hot yoga. when it came time for the vacation i looked amazing and i hated to eat. After that i became very brittle i limited my diet to only salads and i would sneak in as much excersize as i could. My friends at home realized how skinny i became over the months they told the gudience counslers and that made me very mad and i stopped being friends with them after that. A year after me wanting to be this healthy skinny girl i began to do crazy binges. i would eat as much as i could get my hands on without anyone seeing me. Late at night i would go downstaries and eat as much as i could it was awful. Than i went to a teen tour and tryed to only eat when i absoulutley had too. i became soo skinny than i adventually fell out of it and went out of control with food on my tour. it was soo embarssing everyone noticed how much food i was consuming and i just felt disgusting. This went on a few times. Now starting a new school year all i wanted to do was be a healthy girl. I didnt care about being skinny or whatever i just wanted to be healthy. but i couldnt do it. Every day i would either eat iike crazyy or eat nothing at all and this went on the whole year.
i really need someones support. i started going to a nutrtionist a few months ago because i havent gotten my period in 2 years but that didnt help at all. the nutrtionist gave me a food plan and i just couldnt seem to follow it. i cant believe im still suffering from this i feel so alone :
i know how you feel , i have a nutritionist and I cant follow her plan either i either eat alot or none at all , just so you know your not alone and my suggestion is to start small , take something small off the nutritionists list and start eating it eventually build up to more stuff . I've been trying it and it's kind of working a little bit .......just a suggestion