Almost relapsed, but able to get through it

working last night, the guys were partying and I wanted to use so badly. I didn’t but later, after we were done, the stupid depression hit. Instead of being happy and proud of myself for not using, I just feel really stupid and worthless.

please dont feel stupid and worthless. i think you are being attacked by negative thoughts. dont let them win. You can be Extremely proud of yourself for not using. must have been difficult.

1 Heart

Thanks. I know you are right…but my stupid brain demons love to fuck with me.

I am proud of you! I’m so sorry about the demons. Their voices will calm in time, *they say.
I’ve never had to experience this, but I know it’s hard for you. One minute and then one hour and then a day. Keep up the healthy choices!!

2 Hearts

they do that to the best of us. remember that

what do you like to do during the day?