Alone with the weight of the world

Good morning everyone,

I joined here a couple of days ago and have been reading posts. It is mind opening to me to see how much other people are going through. I feel so much compassion and empathy for you all. it also helps to know I'm not alone in my struggles.

Lately, I wake up in the morning and start crying, i think I am feeling overwhelmed and don't have anyone to turn to right now. I am a divorced single mom of four kids ranging in age from 14-19. The 19 year old has many special needs and complex serious health conditions, which require constant treatments and clinic visits. My 17 year old twins are about to graduate from high school. they are both also being treated for depression, and I worry for them. They seem to be doing a little better since beginning treatment, but I carry alot of sorrow that they have this problem.

Their father (my ex), and also my sister and mother (and probably family members on their dads side too) have all struggled with depression, so I understand that its not necessarily my fault or failing as a mother, but just something they have to learn to take care of, with my help and support. still, i feel guilt. They know I worry for them, so I try really hard to not let them see my concern.

My youngest, who is 14, has been dealing with alot of fear lately. Mostly, he's doing really well, but has just started counseling at school for fears that seem almost like phobias (excessive fear of dark, strangers...) My mother, who lives around the block, is in the early-ish stages of some kind of dementia. She doesnt get any medical treatment because it is against her religion. But I have seen her decline, especially over the past year and it concerns me deeply. i have been taking over more for her, like cleaning and checking in daily.

My sister, who until recently had been a major source of support for me, has been having a major internal upheaval surrounding coming to terms with our past and her own past. We were raised in a family where there was love, but also alot of problems. Our dad was an alcoholic/prescrip. med. addict and our mom was in her own world with her religion. We basically raised ourselves in most ways. I went off and married an alcoholic abuser, who i finally grew the courage to leave 7 years ago.

My sister just in the past year and a half has realized alot of things in our upbringing that she never really looked at before, and , she has been immersed in a journey of healing. This is good for her, i know. Selfishly though, I feel I have basically lost the only person on this planet who has been there for me, as a single parent facing everything I am facing daily. She is finally getting proper treatment for codependency, adhd and depression, but it is a long a twisty road that is taking all her attention, and I understand and respect that.

The picture I have just painted sounds bleak when i read it, but there is so much good too. I am grateful for all the good in our lives.

But, the past week has been hard for me. My son has a new medical issue that is concerning me. I get overwhelmed at times to think of all the people around me dealing with depression, that sometimes I;m afraid i'm going to get depressed about that! I feel all alone with a huge life to do every day. I work, I take care of everybody around me, and I dont have anybody to care about me. Everyone is too tied up in their own struggles. I know that in this picture, I am the one that has it the best. I am not depressed, I am not sick. I can see that obviously I am the one who is the natural caregiver in this family right now. But it has been a long road. I miss my sister, I miss my mom. I get tired of being everything: breadwinner, caregiver, counselor, shoulder to lean on........although, the truth is, I am also so full of love for all these people that i wouldnt have it any other way.

but, if anyone can reach out to me, with any words of comfort or wisdom, I'll gladly accept it. i know i'm not alone. I also am praying. Thank you so much for listening


Everybody on the planet suffers to some degree and yet we all seem to build a world just for ourself to be miserable in. Your story is quite endearing its almost as if your support group, your family, is in the vicious cycle of "misery loves company".To break away from that group I think might destroy you . I really don't have any better advise than that.Nurture the relationships that may help and try to exclude the ones that don't..............Vennum

hello my name is jane depression is a terrible thing especially post natal depression you feel as though you have no interest in anything

Hello Aila5 - you are not alone. I'm so sorry to read about all the issues you have in life. You are blessed with 4 children. Children are the most precious things anyone can have. And with all that you have been through, you should be a candidate for saint-hood. Anyway, anytime you want to "chat", this site is a great place to be. Being able to reach out is very therapeutic.

Hi Aila,

Welcome to support groups!! I am fairly new here too. I just left my abusive, alcholic husband in January. Januray 15th as 4:54pm!! LOL The date and time are something I remember for some reason... LOL I don't know why for sure, I just know I smile when I say it!!

I hear so much of what you are saying and going thru! Congrats on leaving the abuse. Sorry to hear about your Mom. I took care of my Mom for years and I lost her almost 4 years ago and the last two years of her life, she had a great deal of dementia caused by some frontal lobe strokes and just severe illness. She was my best friend so going from having her to talk to everyday and helping me whenever I needed babysitting etc.. to her being fearful and crying and not remembering her life... it was so hard.

I remember one time, in the hospital because she was having more strokes, I sat across the room because she was asleep and I was just looking out over the city.. It all kind of hit me. I thought, OMG did I tell her I loved her enough? Did she tell me all that she wanted to tell me? Did I listen carefully when she told me things. Was I going to remember all the things she wanted me to tell my children? Too this day, I still ask her questions as if she can hear me. Why? Why do I do that? Because I know she's with me and I want to honor her by continuing to ask her for advice and guidance.... She was the coolest lady I ever knew. A free spirit. A simple, honest, woman of hope. Eternal hope... until the dementia got her.

If I can give any advice about your Mom, it's to find a way to have conversations with her about things you want to cherish, or tell your children or grandchilren. Have those conversations because we all think that maybe it will go very slowly and we will have time because we want it to a long, long time until she can't remember things anymore. But believe me, it can happen in a day. It happened off and on, and then it happened in a day. I love her so much to this day. I wish you all could have met her. Gosh, sorry to go on about me!

I have 6 children and grandchildren. All of my children have auto immune diseases like I have as well as some depression etc... that both me, my sister and my Mom have endured our whole lives. I have some pretty severe illnesses and I see them affecting my children and I feel guilty. I see them wince in pain and I know that it was my genetics that put that pain in their lives... I feel so guilty somedays. But I try to teach them to do better than I did as far as taking better care of myself when it comes to their health in their 20's.

My father is getting older and needing assisted living soon... that's going to be a tough thing because I think he's not going to want to do it. I worry about his safety so I'm trying to gently nudge him in that direction. Fortunately he knows he can trust me to do the right things for him and he knows my heart is in the right place.

But, now my mobility has been greatly diminished in the past 4 years. It actually was getting bad before then but I took steroids like tic tacs to stay on my feet to take care of my mom. She would have died more miserably if I hadn't taken her into my home and cared for her. I did the best I could by her.

It's all exhausting... these labors of love... I totally know what you mean doing it all for everyone and not having support for yourself... until I came here that is!! I found the most awesome support here and my life is actually better because of the people here! I know you are going to meet them soon and you will see what I'm talking about!!

I Know how you feel. I have ALOT of challenges today and in many many months to come... I do wish sometime someone would be here just to give me a hug... I know how important hugs are... that's why I give as many as I can here on the boards everyday I'm able to be here!!

SO, I'm sending hugs to you!!

Hugs, Suzee

im new on here i was in an abusive relationship i put up with my ex for 20 years he was violent towards me i didnt know a way out the police helped me get out i had 2 children aswell my mom was killed in a car crash i did hit rock bottom my dad had a nervous breakdown and was in hospital for a year life is better now i have met a lovely man who isnt nasty my dad has a girlfriend now plus im on prozac

thank you everyone for reaching out to me. I was so touched to see the responses and to see there are real people "out there" - i just started on this site, so I wasnt sure :-)

Suzee - my goodness, we have alot in common and I felt a huge hug reading your post and hearing about your life and, wow we have alot in common! :') congratualtions!!! in leaving your abusive marriage. Seven years later I still get a thrill when I remember recieving the notice that my divorce was FINAL on May 30th 2004! The hardest day now is an absolute piece of cake compared to any day "then". I also try to remind myself that, and reading about you reminded me, thanks! :-)))

thank you for sharing about your mother. This morning when i was lying in bed I realized that of everything, it is her condition that is perhaps weighing on me most heavily at this time. I visited her yesterday and cried all the way walking home. it was raining so I let the tears mingle with the rain :-) I miss her. We went over some things that we had just discussed the day before, just little things about her bird feeder, etc., but she had no knowledge of it. I've stopped commenting on it, I know that only makes her more distressed. But, more than memory, it is the personality change that is so hard. the woman I know seems to be disapearing. I hate to even say that, but not saying it doenst make it go away. Its happening. Thank you for your wisdom and words of advice.

thank you for telling me about your children too. You understand how hard it is to see your children suffer and to know that your genetics in some degree gave them these challenges. Thank you mostly for the hug, i felt it.

jane666 and roxbury, thank you for your support :-) jane666, i'm so glad you left your abusive relationship too, i'm sorry about your mom.

thanks, it feels better to meet you all :-)

life is hard its nice to have something in common with people who have been in situations you feel you arent alone then abusive relationships are bad you wonder after why you put up with things


Sounds like we have a lot in common.

My family, on both mom & dad's side, is full of depression and anxiety as well. So many of us are on medications.
I, myself, am diagnosed as Bipolar ll, ADHD, PTSD and Generalized Anxiety. I also have Fibromylagia and have been told I am "co-dependent".
My son is ADHD and has Vitiligo. He also had an accident last year and has had 5 leg surgeries since last July. He will be 18 in July.
My family, mom, dad, extended family, is falling apart....Everyone calls me for support and to fix things, which I now know I cannot, although I still try to, and it's exhausting....I see a psychiatrist and therapist, but usually leave feeling just as frustrated and sad as when I first got there.

I am new here....I've only been a member of this group for a few days, but I have met and become friends with some incredible people, and it has helped me a lot. I look forward to logging in and reading others posts. It makes me feel less alone....It lets me know that there are other people out there like me...People who also struggle just to make it through the day.....

I would be more than happy to be your friend and talk with you about life and the things we have to deal with. I hope today has been kind to you.....Sending you love & light....


depression is terrible i was depressed all the time once especially beefore being on a period i felt worthless and tearful its lovely to hear what other people have to say you feel that you arent alone my dad had bad depression when my mom died he was admitted to highcroft hospital for a few months he had a complete breakdown

to aila how are you today ok i hope its lovely chatting on here

to u all

i care and am sending each and every one of u a cyber hug

be kind to yourselves

love D

how are you today? ok i hope

Hey Aila!! I'm wondering how things are going for you too!! Please stop in and let us know that you are doing ok! Remember that you are not alone and we are all here for you!!

Sending hugs, Suzee

hi Suzee, and everyone, I am doing better lately. it felt so good just to vent and get some of that off my chest. i also am learning just by being here that i am not alone and that help is at my fingertips. i am grateful for this site, and all the wonderful people here. blessings, :-)

Hey Aila,

I''m so glad you are feeling better! I agree that this site is just the best!! I am so glad you and I both found it too!!

There is just something about the ability to share your true feelings and having some pop up even a couple days later and say "that's just like what happened to me" or "I feel that way too", that quiets the fear and panic and sadness in our souls. I truly find the people here amazing and after you've been here a while, you will notice as you sit back and watch the threads and the way things come full circle, it will make you smile, because you knew what it was like to be new here and then become a part of the support groups, not just a visitor, an actual piece of the support groups network.. and it's a blast to invite others, and watch them feel safe and heard and beautiful again... it's truly one of my lifes biggest gifts. Second, of course, to chocolate caramel brownie coffee.... well, maybe they are equal!! hehehe

Good to see you!!

Sending hugs, Suzee


Aila, I second what Jane said!! How are things going? Any plans for this memorial weekend? I have been thinking about you today so pop in and say Hi if you get a chance!

Sending more hugs, Suzee

Hello Aila,

I'm a bit latecoming.

I am touched by your story. I just wanted to say HI, that you are not alone.

I think you are a great woman, a strong woman!

I think it's good that you have reached out for yourself.

It is like we all have a cup and the cup runs dry and we must fill it back up again and sometimes in this life those that are around us and we love all keep needing their cups filled by us. We have been the ones doing so
and it can be so very hard to do w/ a full cup of our own , let alone with out.

I hope that you can find the ways to fill your own cup up and take time out for yourself, even in the business of your life. Take time out for yourself and to know it is OK to ask for help . I commend you for reaching out.

It is great to reach out online, to find others that can understand and appreciate.

I hope you are having a great day today.
Maybe to find some time in the early morning and again in the evening to spend by yourself doing something you enjoy to do.
Using your support group as you are is a great outlet that can be there for you 24/7.

Prayers for you.

oh , just to also say Aila, that I have found for myself that the value of writing, as you say to vent. is very beneficial !!!
Just getting it out is so helpful
but there is something about getting it out in safe company that is extra special and extra helpful

For me it is a way of releasing the doubt, anxiety and stress that comes and processing it and getting past it and to just feel so much lighter .

I think that if it is helping you to continue to use your support group.

I just found this one, I am new to support groups per se, I usually write to myself, lol, and though that is a help to me, it's not the same as writing to others and hearing the feedback . just to know that others care.

I go around each day in my travels and feel that "no one cares" it can feel that way. and then I get feeling overwhelmed by my feelings. It's good to know that others do care and that we all of us have something we are dealing with.

I hope you continue to use what works to lighten your load.
I will be checking in on you to see and hope this reaches you well and that you are feeling better and better.

I admire your strength and your loving heart and your courage!

You are much stronger than you realize Aila!