
Lately I have been feeling very alone and unsupported by my family and some friends. I've recently come out to my family and friends and at first everything was ok, but now I feel as if they've left me hanging. No one believes me about my sexuality and everyone denies it. At times I want to just die because I'm so unhappy and alone. I want my family to accept me and think of me as no different than before.

here4u8 hi again honey, i'm sorry your feeling alone and unsupported by your family and some friends. i've felt life i'v wanted to die to, i know how you feel. your not alone we are and we accept you for who you are. i'm the mom of a lesbian daughter and i love her so very much. i'd like to help if i can and if you'll let me. your in so much pain hun and maybe we can help. please let us know what we can do for hun. your loved.

I think your seriously an angel. Your so nice and I appreciate that:) I feel very loved by you and I'd love to be helped by you:) did you accept your daughter when she came out to you? Was it hard?

here4u,thanks hun, your to sweet. when my daughter toultd me that she was gay i was in the throws of alcoholism and my reaction was on shock and sadness and i cried a whole lot. i at no time did not accept her but i also did'nt say oh ok fine now lets have dinner. oh no i was sad and hurt actually. as i knew that her choice of lifestyle was not going to be an easy one. at no time did i put her down or reject her, never could i loved her. now to this day i'm not quite sure as to why my reaction was the way it was. i had gay friends in high school and all thru my life. but this was my baby girl. so things were ok between her and i akways if just took some to get used to the idea that my daughter was gay. maybe it was part of my girl will grow up and get married and have kids you know all that. so yes it was hard for me. i have no prejudice againest gay or anyone else for that matter. i guess in society some people are just ok and lets move on, for others its a schock and sadly many reject someone who is gay and that breaks me heart since it is extremely personal to me haveing a lebsian daughter. i don;t understand how somone can reject someone for that or for any reason really. i've had quite the histroy and its not a good one so maybe that is where i got my non judgmental attitued don't know. i do know that we have no right to judge anyone unless you have walked in their shoes. i hope this helps hun. and i'd be willing to answer anymore questions you have about that or anything else for that matter. some people it may take time to accept that someone they love is gay and then there are those that would turn there back on and disown them. that is oh so sad. the only difference between someone who i straight or gay is their sexual preference. we all have feelings we hurt we bleed we work we play so i just don't get it. but i must be honest with you that i do not agree with the gay lifestyle, i personally think its wrong but my personal feelings about this issue have no play in how i think about gay people nor do i treat them any different than i would anyone else. its no different than my husband and i disagreeing about an issue. we don't treat each other any different because we don't agree on somethine. does this make any sense to ya hun? please feel free to clarify anything that i've posted as i don't want youto get the wrong idea about me and the gay communitee. heck most of my friends are gay. i've either helped you a bit or confused you more ya poor thing. but please let know if there is something more if can do for you or help in understanding where your family/friend are coming from. much love to you sweet heart.....kathy

That helped me alot. I really like hearing what you have to say:) Your experience with your daughter at first sounds a bit like whats going on with my family right now. I'm glad to hear u worked it out tho:) one thing that really gets to me is that the people who don't necassarly agree with gay relationships think that they can't accept gay people. Like u said, you don't agree with the gay lifestyle but u don't treat them any differently. That takes a strong person to accept gay people aside from their personal preferences. U blow me away:) another thing is that I'm catholic and the religion doesn't really accept homosexuals as far as I know. And my mom is wry catholic and I just feel like im letting her down. I love her more than the world and I want to make her happy

oh gee hun the only difference is the sexual preference. there was nothing to work out really i just had to get used to the idea. she went thru lots as she has bi polar ptsd bpd and she is a cutter. so there was alot going on in our household at the time. we may not agree with other on what ever issue hun but love, love, love jesus wants us to love not judge. the catholic church does not have any issue with gay people. the only issue is the sexual act itself…there is no problem with sam sex attraction (i watch alot of ewtn the catholic tv channel and it from the source) my daughter has taken me to church when i was able to get out and she stayed with me in the mass. just fyi. i understand you not wanting to let your mom down hun but again she may be disappointed that you don’t agree with her but not disappointed in you as her daughter. at least thats the way it is with me. i love my kids no matter what and i mean and they know it. they can talk to me about anything. even some of my past behavior. just because your a parent doess’nt mean you don’t make mistakes hun…god bless ya sweetheart…i’m here for chatting anytime

I know what you mean I told some of my family and friends that I went both ways and alot of them where shocked but later got over it they didnt really judge me they were just shocked of how long I was stuck in the closet. I feel like I want to kill myself to at times but they are for different reasons. I am here for you as a friend.

i hope meathead that all is well with your family now. i believe and its my opinion only that everyone at one time or another in their life has wanted to kill themselves as we feel cornered and no way out. your not alone either hun, we're here for you to....there is always another way meathead, always

Yeah there are many times Ive wanted to kill myself but wiffyatthehub is right, there's always another way. Killing oneself never solves anything. I've Battled with depression ever since I was a young kid and it's only gotten worse. Now that I've come out and everything. Thank you so Much for being here for me:)

hopefully here on the site you’ll get the support you so desperatly need and you can talk to us, we’ll understand. you feel what you feel, but just because you feel a certain does not mean you have to act on it. it does pass. i personally had a biggy last night…a always call it the “dark night of the soul” i went to my room put on ewtn on the tv took my meds and laid there and fell off to sleep and don’t feel quite as “on the edge today” hugs to you all

I believe you read what I had to say to another post but I will say it again to you....I am a mother of teenagers and married, and I can tell you that it wouldn't matter to me who my kids were with. You will never find out what you truely want if you don't let go of others' preconcieved notions, and let the discovery of your identity be a natural evolution. As a woman I believe that we are all a little bi-curious to some extent. Even if it is just as far as being unusually close friends with another woman without the physical contact being more than a simple hug. Women are nurturing and compassionate by nature and I think sometimes we all need that to some extent or another.

You could look at it from another perspective
Perhaps you are misunderstanding your family and they aren't really blowing off your feelings. Maybe they understand, and are giving you that freedom to explore things yourself without trying to influence you, so that you can figure out what YOU really want!

Ultimately... You will never know unless you ask them.

You both have helped me with your advice. Thank you. And maybe your right mlobidz, they may actually care about my feelings. I'm probably just so paranoid about everything that happens to me. I guess I can't expect so much for them to accept me right away. I'm going to try and let go of others opinions towards me and live my life the way I want to and try to be happy for once. It's good to come here and talk to eveyone, no one judges me

no judgeing panel here hun. hope we have helped you a bit sort it out. sometimes just letting some time pass and it works out. in the meantime you can come and yap at us anytime we’re here for ya

I think its harder when you are younger. I had such a time when I was a kid, hearing all the negative things about the way I was feeling. Now as I wrote in another post, I regret not acting on my feelings, denying who i am, and living a lie to please others. You are young, be yourself in all ways, to heck with everyone else. I know you need support, find you a good friend and confide in them. I actually did that one, my thing was he died shortly after. I know its hard for ya, but never let it get you down. You have us for support.

Thank you so much. I need to be myself and not live in everyone else's expectations. You opened up my eyes:)