Always a tough situation

So my boyfriend and I have decided to get together for a couple drinks tonight...and I'm worried.
Whenever we get together to do that I worry the whole day about all the calories in the drinks, and try to cut back so it's "okay" to drink a lot.

I know it's a bad idea, but technically I AM getting in the right amount of calories, right? ....though I know it's not very nutrient dense.

Hmph. I'm going to try to keep eating my planned meals today.

Any suggestions for how to cope/deal with this?

I have a tough time dealing with this too. What I do to save my mental wellbeing is eat healthily and get a wine instead of the 'girly' drinks. Best of both worlds! Stick with your planned meal though, that's one thing you shouldn't let go of! Hope this helps, and good luck!