Am I the only one who watches Ellen Rose Dix on youtube here

Am I the only one who watches Ellen Rose Dix on youtube here? It's so bad that my HOCD makes me spike whenever I see her videos (she is a lesbian and her girlfriend is bi, apparently they are married now). I used to love watching her channel because she is such a funny actress and really good at imitations of others, I literally laughed my *** off watching her youtube channel. But now, HOCD makes me believe I like watching her videos because I'm gay too. Does anyone have advice on how to tackle this? HOCD is so illogical.

Watching her videos is now a good erp strategy since it is something that goves you anxiety by watching them you are facing your fears

1 Heart

I know. But I'm frustrated with the fact I can't enjoy watching her videos without having immense anxiety.

@luxury watch her videos till the anxiety lowers. Don’t run here, or anywhere else to take away the anxiety. Don’t listen to you’re anxiety. Listen to what she does/says in the video. And if thoughts start bothering you just accept them and keep your attention on the video. Just do it. Don’t fear it. Is a video magically going to snatch you up and turn you into lesbian? Hell no, just like someone with harm OCD, just because they are around knives and guns doesn’t mean they are going on a killing spree because their mind says that what they want/will do/or are. Get it?

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)