
Call me a slut, call me a *****, if u dont like me there's the door. call me anorexic, call me fat, i can put it on or i can lose that. call me annoying, call me dumb, excuse me miss I'm having fun. call me a flirt, call me a fake, that's just me so give me a break. call me weird, call me a geek, call me what you want, I'm just unique

I think that this quote is so true and i love it i found this on my friend ambers facebook incase anyone was wondering.

p.s. hope you enjoyed it

I also like that quote lol.

What's wrong with just calling you a "person"? Labeling someone is no different than passing judgement on them. If everyone spent less time judging everyone else, the world may become a better place. So, I'll just label myself and just accept everyone else for who they are. Not what they are.

I'm in agreement with Roxbury. It's labeling, like from the beginning of Adam labeling all things on earth. I'm an American citizen. I'm a human being. I'm a child of God, a blessed heir to His throne. I'm a lady; I'm a woman, but most of all I'M ME!!!!!!


Here, here! Labels just wind up hurting people. They bring us down. The only real label I should worry about is "child of the most high God". Anything else is insignificant!

i love it!! imight just write it down!

Me also I think its great and I like it

yeah labels are just a waste of time and not something that is too empowering... just be happy with who YOU are =) .... and that's great... that's all that any of us can ever do.. God created us all unique and in his image, so basically your perfect the way you are...=)

I like the todays society no matter how different or unique you are there are those that try to label you. Stating your not going to let others affect how you feel or allow them to label you is a great attitude to live by.

I like it!! It may be labeling but it also calls attention to the fact that there are others like me (the single mom, the bulemic, the writer, the guitarist and such....) makes a person both unique and part of a group as well. It also shows the strength within the poet....."sticks and stones" and all that.
Thanks for sharing it.