have u ever had one of those days
lets see today i ventured to the library wearing my hat, so i supose there was a reason to look suspiciously at me as i sailed into the hallowed halls of silence and began chattin about sex, and did they have any books, looking at the hastily covered smirks i made it to the reference section and the right books, only to be accosted by a young man who was just growing fluff on his face to offer assistance with the net, his face went beetroot when i explained what i was after but he manfully took up the challenge, my goodness he made it look so simple, (must find a course on how to do it) unfortunately i said the bracketed words aloud as he was flourishing the sex web page at me, more raised eyebrows.
then i caught the bus with Mrs IHAVETOKNOW so that was a ddelightful game of evasion, could u just see what would hhappen if i told here what i was doin in the library.
one day i must find a better topic of conversation than the weather. mayb i could tell her about this site? hmm prehaps not.
on arriving here it was daughter number one cleaning my house to death, OCD strikes again, wont take my shoes off cos i wont b able to find them again, they will b shelved, on the positive i have a gleaming house, keeping hat bag and shoes with me i reach for the kettle
then the phone rings its a friend whos daughter is in a violent relationship but wont leave so the cycle goes on and on.
does anyone else have these days?
off to put the kettle on
as always
loving thoughts and positive vibes