Another poem

Feeling sad and alone,
Lost, without purpose.

Where do I go, and what do I do?
How shall it be when I get there?
Why venture out, why travel at all?
Why not stay here—
Sit, reflect, and contemplate?
Or perhaps that won’t be it.
In my heart I know that won’t be it.
Get swallowed up.
Waste and wither.

Always this, the how and why:
How should I pick up my feet?
Why should I pick up my feet?

Somewhere, the road is smooth and soft beneath my shoes.
But here, and now,
It’s rocky, rough, and full of ruts.

Love this poem, it's great to explain the anxiety we have over giving up this disorder. We often loose motivation.

I hope you still have yours <3

Paige xoxo