Another relationship broken, loneliness again...its hard not

Another relationship broken, loneliness again...its hard not to think of suicide now. But, who would take vare of my son ?

1 Heart

it tough to leave behind someone who needs and loves you... people do need each other... a break up is not the end... things were not meant to be... but the relationship u have with your son is a blessing that many people don't have ... so don't give up on life...

1 Heart

@kaamini thank you for your words of encouragement. I need to stick to see this blessing blossom and shine.

I'm sorry that you've been hurt. Have you had many relationships that have ended badly? If so, perhaps it's time to talk to a therapist or do some hard thinking to see if you're making choices that end up putting you together with people who aren't right for you. Some of us tend to pick people who are bad for us, but that's a tendency that can be addressed and corrected. It just takes some work, and some help.

1 Heart

@InMyDreams it does take work and time.

i know its hard, especially having bpd and tring to maintain relationships, but your son needs you, just think of his smile. i think about suicide everyday but you have to find just ONE thing to get you through that day, everyday just try and get through that day, dont think about the next or those feelings will build up

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@babychina your post made me smile. I will think of my son’s smile and everything good. E ven though its hard. This.too.shall.pass!

You were given that job to care for your son. He is your hope and you are his hope. I know parenthood does not instantly make your own life go away, but it is the only thing you can control. He needs you and you can treat him the way he deserves and you deserve. If he wasn't in your life where would you be? Think about it and see the blessings. If your relationship ended than maybe it was meant to be. There is so much we can't know about the future and if he was in it than maybe it would be a bad journey. Take time, but don't stay down. Be the strong women and dont let a man break you. Also, try to avoid relationships that will not improve your family as a whole. Eliminate the heartbreak, your son can feel it too. :)

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