Anti depressents

Basically I've been in this state of depression for about 3 months now. I find myself in such a state and I end up self harming and getting endless suicidal thoughts. I honestly don't know how much longer I can live like this.

I've been offered anti depressants by my doctor and I'm not sure what to do. sure, they would definitely help, but i'm worried about relying on something so strongly to feel normal. my mum has depression and I know they help her a lot, but I don't want to be dependant on them for the rest of my life. Also I spoke to my friend who does psychology and she says that in many cases they make depression worse.

Does anyone who has experience with this kind of thing have any advice? I'd really appreciate it.

Rosie xxx

Hi Rosie, I don't know how old you are but wonder if you are seeing a therapist. I think that is where you should start if this has been just the past three months. Did something happen then to trigger this? Meds can be helpful but I wouldn't rush into it. I would try and see what the issue is that is causing the depression and see if you can identify some coping techniques. I did ultimately decide to try medication after several months of being very depressed and therapy not particularly helping, though I did know what the issue was that triggered it. I found that two AD did make things worse. I HATED that. SO it took me to get the courage and try a third. The whole trial was probably close to a year. But I will tell you the third med helped immediately. It gave me my appetite back and then my mood picked up. So talk to your mom about hooking up with a therpaist and go from there. Good luck honey! Keep checking in.


I agree with Alwaysworrying in that you should seek therapy, and they will determine the course of action to take. I have been diagnosed with chronic depression. I've tried to commit suicide three different times during my life, the last two within the past tow years. I am AD, but at this time they don't seem to be working for me, and it's an uphill battle to get it changed. But I feel that once I've found the right AD, that my life will be a whole lot brighter. I have been able to get myself out of the last few depressive states, but they are coming to frequent, and I'm afraid things will get worse. I hope nothing but the best for you, and perhaps we can help each other out.

thank you both so much for your support! I agree that therapy is a good place to start so I'm going to try and find a counsellor. I just honestly can't go on like this. I'm only 18 and already i've lost all interest in living. I just want so much to get better. Does it get any easier? I'll definitely keep updates on how the therapy goes. Thanks again and much love! Hope you're both doing okay. Rosie xxx

I'm glad to hear you've made the right decision. I'm proud of you. I, however am struggling at this time. my medication isn't even helping one bit. i am feeling so low right now. Wish I could get over it, but it seems impossible.

I know I cope with depression and I have tried medication. I've been coping without meds for a few years now and have managed but I think it is worth seeing a doctor and finding out about your depression and then finding the best treatment for you. Sending you gentle ((hugs)) Patricia

You should talk with your parents to get some help finding a therapist. Another resource is your physician and/or the guidance department at your school. Good luck.
Having Problems, hang in there. We have good and bad days. It's good that you're here. If you want to talk more about specifics, please do.