I've had anxiety off and on for many years. Meds, doctors and therapists have helped me a lot. Unfortunately my wife moved out a couple months ago and my anxiety went up.
Since our seperation the anxiety has been much better. Then this weekend she mentioned the D word (divorce) and my anxiety has picked up.
Have any of you experienced anxiety with a divorce or seperation? I'd like to hear your story if you have especially if you have suggestions, thanks.
When you experience strong emotional change, the anxiety will always strike, and unfortunately, only with time, prayers, meditation and calm atmosphere it will ease up. Have faith and God bless you.
I'm with you Marcie. When we seperated I surrounded myself with support i.e. this site, our pastor, some Christian websites, therapist etc. I must say it helped out a lot in retrospect.
I want to ground myself in the Lord. I know he is there for all of us and I know that is the right way to go through this. Any other helpful info you can provide would be encouraging. Thank you ma'am.