Anxiety to post

I have to be honest and share how I have been feeling. I now have anxiety and a fear to post, I am now constantly worrying if my post is relevant or irrelevant to the support group I post too. I am now in constant fear that people might think its irrelevant of what I post in the support group topic and think badly of me. There was a couple of times I was about to post but then I didn't cuz of my fear of posting something irrelevant and think badly of me. I never thought that I would have anxiety to post on here but now I do. I never use to worry about this especially on a online support group but I am now and its just like another thing to fear. I personally when other people post something that may be irrelevant, it really never crosses my mind and it still doesn't for me. Also another thing is people have different opinions on whats irrelevant and relevant and that just heightens my anxiety cuz I could think something is relevant and other could think its irrelevant and then you might think badly of me. But for me when I see other peoples post, relevant and irrelevant never even crosses my mind personally. I don't know but this is how I have been feeling and I just had to share and express how I have been feeling and be honest about it.


Hi Princess, this breaks my heart but I think your feelings and fears are very understandable because I think there's been alot of discussions and I think that when we suffer things like depression, anxiety, low self esteem etc... it's much easier for us to feel like we've done something wrong and I really don't believe we have!!

Here's what I've decided... until Vic personally messages me saying, "Suzee, no one gives a crap whether you are terrified of your rapist, so stop talking about it", I'm just going forward the same way I always have, with love and compassion, understanding and empathy, as well as honesty and hope!!!

Grab my hand honey, we havent done anything wrong and together we will take these next steps together!!!

Sending strong, confident hugs, Suzee

Princess, Its okay. No one here is judgemental here. We're all here to help eachother. If something is bothering you then it does matter. Your feelings count and are thought of. I read your post and care about how you feel. This is the one place we can put everything out there if we want or just some, its a place of help, not of hinder or judgement. If you ever need to talk message me.

Princess I think you will do fine at knowing where to post. You should post to whichever threads that YOU feel relate. If others don't think it is relevant, they don't need to add to that thread but others if us who can relate will respond. I think the subject line is enough for people to weed through posts if they think that something is not relevant to them they can skip it.

Suzee, thanks so much for your support! it's so nice to know that my feelings and fears are understandable. All of what you said is so true! And does make me feel better. I will grab your hand Suzee. I am just not ready to take those steps yet. I now have developed this fear, and it's going to take time for me to work up the courage to post. Suzee during this time holding your hand will help me.

Mysticalmoonray, thanks so much for your support, for caring and being there!

Tools thanks for your support, you have some very good points and I will keep them in mind, but I have to be honest I have developed this fear and now it's going to take me sometime to work through and get over this fear.

Thanks again, and all of your support has helped me take step to getting over my fear!

Take it as slow as you need to and remember we are here to help

Thanks tools I know your always here for me.

How are you doing today?

Not good

What went on today?

I got a letter today that my psychiatrist is leaving and although I understand I am just really sad she is leaving and I just going to miss her. I just really like her. I just can't help but to think maybe it's me, cuz this is the 4th time a therapist/psychiatrist left. And now I obviously going to need to get another one cuz of the meds I am on and so now I have to meet another psychiatrist and I will tell her things and be uncomfortable all over again to a new psychiatrist.

I am sorry if I am being or sound selfish.

That Sounds like a hard thing to keep going through. Some facilities do have a high turnover rate. Did your psychiatrist refer you to another one? If so and that person gets your records it should help the transition. I know it is hard to open up to someone new. Do you also see therapists, or just the psychiatrist?


lol. Thats funny to me because I have the same types of feelings. My anxiety is so bad I question everything I do in fear of judgment. My anxiety is so bad I also have agoraphobia. On top of that I have anxiety over the fact I have agoraphobia. Read my thread discussion "The very real fear of Agoraphobia" It might give you a chuckle but it's the truth.



lol. Thats funny to me only because I often feel the same way. Anxiety is a destructive and irrational force. People that suffer from extreme anxiety quesion everything they do. I know I do. My anxiety is so bad I also suffer from Agoraphobia. sweating and shaking when I get around groups of people.

Your not alone in your feelings.

Best wishes,

Opps! didn't know or forgot I already posted a response. Now I have to worry about posting a response twice.

Why does that seem to happen all the time. I have also had several doctors leave, leaving me with having to start over. It slows down recovery because, like you, hate to have to go back to the begining time after time. My psychiatrist just did that to me. I asked him to transfer my notes to the new doctor but he didn't. It sucks having to start a new. How the hell can anyone expect to get better when progress is thwarted by having to start over all the time?