Any one. Know the chances of some one catching it if u use a condom??
Female to male:
2% with a condom or antivirals 1% with a condom and antivirals 4% without any protection
Thanks that's very helpful
I got it with the use of condoms…my ex and I only had sex twice before I fell ill…and then the symptoms appeared.
As Red08 stated, those are the statistics…there’s the handout for more info.
So really there's only a 2%,chance being transmitted to a male.. With condom and antivirals
The handout states that transmission from a female to male a 1% chance when both antivirals and condoms are used.
It was a 5% risk for me since I’m pretty sure he wasn’t on antivirals…lucky me lol…
unless you both are in full body condoms there is always a chance, when you sneeze tiny(and I mean tiny) fluid droplets fly in the air and land all over the place.
You can still cat Catch herpes even with no out break its called sheding period when the virus doesnt come to the surface and rest and sleep in your spinel cord and bread and duplicate its self you can still catch it with a condom even if there is no soars noticeable its still in the seman of a man and vaginal juice of a women where the is moister and heat it breeds and multiple so no a comdom dont prevent herpes only thing that can help protect u is a comdom and valtrex pills everyday even u don't have the std
@Lifestough I doubt sneezing is gonna infect anybody lol.
bt i think in a few years time evryone wil catch this virus because a lot of people dont kno they are carryng it and some dont even kno what herpes is the actualy think its jus an annoying bump down ther thats what i used think that myb it some yeast infection
Yeah true
The virus is passed by skin to skin contact. A condom can help but ultimately you can still pass it. It's a frustrating virus but the more information you can get from your doctor the better. Taking a daily suppressive will help as well in decreasing the chance of passing it.
besides outbreaks what other problems does herpes do to our healthy ? Is it true it causes meningitis?