Anybody had any luck with over-the counter supplements?

Hi everyone,
I just had a quick question I read in a previous post, that studies have shown the over- the -counter supplement(Nacetylcysteine) has shown in studies to help people with Trich,my only concern is I did find it on one online supplement store but not well know vitamin stores like Vitamin World,is this a "real thing" or safe.That would b a wonderful discovery if something this simple and cheap like10.00 a bottle makes our life right! Any insight appreciated..Thanks:)

Hi Mas, I actually read up on this and although it's a supplement, I would definitely check with a medical professional to be sure it's okay for you to take this, just to be safe. Here are a couple of links that I found to be helpful;

thanks to both of you for the information and the links. i will definitely be reading up more on this.

That's great Victoria! How are you doing with your Trichotillomania?

it comes and goes. i think there are some days i don’t care and just let it get the best of me. i realized i have these bad habits and that its a part of my everyday life without me evening thinking about what i am doing, i just do it. working on doing it less when i can. thanks for asking puppy.

Hi Victoria, thank you so much for the update. Are you still trying the lotion and distractions, such as stress balls? If you can try to be very aware of when you start pulling and nip it in the bud right then and there with a distraction, then it will become less and less frequent. Is this possible?

i am trying the lotion, it does help. I notice certain stress triggers and do try and stop right when i start. There are other days i just don’t care. but working to get back on track. Thanks so much for checking in on me.

Victoria, we can all fall off track, most especially when we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Though, working to be aware and nipping it in the bud sooner rather than later is really a great way to go. Please keep sharing with us and let us know how you're doing.

I found that slippery substances before bedtime help me. Lotion, vaseline, olive oil, hair grease. False fingernails didnt work well, I would just go get the tweezers. But the tweezers dont seem to work when your hair is slippery. =)
Hope this helps.