If you are online please talk to me, because I need someone to talk to.
I am dating this guy now, but I also still have feelings for my exboyfriend. Me and my ex was together for 3 years. He was playing me though, all he wanted was sex. He cheated on me so many different times. The last time he cheated on me, he got her preganat. They are still together. He never cared about me or anything, I don't know why I did for him. I loved him so much, I was going to choose him over my own family. I wanted to be loved by him so much. I have someone good though, but why do I still have feelings for him. I still want to be his friend, and still be there for him. I wish I could just forget about him. He was the first guy I ever fell in love with. He was nothing but trouble though. I am so glad I never had sex with him. He use to always pressure me into it though until I said ok, fine. I am glad I was never actually around him, because if I was, I probably would have slept with him, since he was always pressuring me into it. I just wish I could forget about him, and not care anymore.
I am glad you did not sleep with him. It can take a while to get over feelings for someone even when they have cheated.
it's hard to let go of old feelings that have been there for ages. i guess in a way you may always have something for him but i'm glad u can stick to your guns and know what's right :0)
stay strong and head high
I can tell you why you still think about the guy, it's pretty simple actually. he was your FIRST love that's it. After all these years i still think of the girl i loved, she was my first.
Not all the time but some of them time and your post made me think of her. I wonder if she married a good guy, how many kids they had, how she is doing. So i think first loves are never forgotten. Mine ended when i was sent over seas in the air force for two years.
You know the only thing i remember is her first name, i can't see what she looks like or anything. My point is that while you move on there is still a little part tucked back in your mind that cares about them, make sense?
Just a guys perspective on those things
have a great day
I feel as though when you truly loved anyone, it's hard to push them out of your heart completely. Even if it was an unhealthy relationship. But what you have to do what has helped me in the past is know your worth. Also detail what qualities you want in your ideal mate. You will realize your ex, never could have lived up to your standard. Time goes by and makes it easier to let go. Eventually you are reminded there really is a match for you somewhere and if you are patient enough they will find you when you are ready... And hopefully not before.
To attract the best and to have the best you have to know you deserve it first. And you shouldn't ever settle for less!
Thank you Tools, and I am glad I didn't either lol.
Thank you Tina Anne
Thanks Michael, he was my first love, wished he wouldn't lol. Your post does make sense to me lol. Thanks alot.
Thank you Easy does it. That actually helped me a lot. I appreciate it. I have been dating this new guy, and he is really good. I think everything will work out between me and him.
My first love was an evil woman who turned me bi, then cheated on me with my brother's fiancee. In my heart I carried a love for her for so long, but it was wasted, and brought only pain. I never forgot about her, she broke my heart, threw my love away and never deserved the beautiful wife that my handsome husband has now. There was a time I would have left any man for her, but I've learned something she never did. You never leave a good thing. ;)
I wish i knew the answer to that ? I just finished a 12yr. commitment he cheated soooo many times i should want him dead but i still love him. I still care about everything that happens to him. I know he's with another girl now who has 3 children we never were blessed. i sometimes feel that its my fault for this i cant carry them full term. No matter how long you were together its good you have a good man now. try to let this man bring you happiness. you wont ever forget your first love but he will fade as life goes on. look forward not to the past.
Hi Melissa, I think we always want to be loved, and it's almost a challenge sometimes if the other partner is not loyal. I'm so proud of you for knowing your worth and not having this guy wipe his hands on you like a dishtowel then throw you away. So sometimes it can just be that we wanted to be the "One" that would make a cheater settle down. Obvious to me that when you really care for anyone that doesn't go away simply because you're not together anymore. Go with that. You are a caring person who's feelings aren't just skin deep like his were. I'm sorry he cheated on you. That's not ever right in any relationship. You wouldn't have a basis for one after him not being good for you babe. I always only expect someone to say that they didn't want to be with me exclusively anymore, not to cheat and try to be with me too. Give time time Melissa.. I kinda liked the comment to you that the guy couldnt even remember her face anymore but still held a special place in his heart. And continue to value yourself, that way you will have someone who values you as well. And if and when you make a true commitment it won't be "cause he got you pregnant" like your first love and his baby's mama. . Good for you! A friend.
I am actually now over my ex, and now going through something else. I feel like I now have to choose between my boyfriend and my family. They don't like them, but they have no reason not to like him. I don't know what to do.