Anyone here went to go get a routine pap and was diagnosed w

Anyone here went to go get a routine pap and was diagnosed with a herpes cell with no symptoms. Later discover that you're actually neg. after a few of blood tests. Please let me know. I hoping that it's possible. Lab mixes up. Crossing my fingers

Blood work is the most accurate. In fact, when tested for Herpes the bloodwork can reveal if you have had Herpes for some time or if it is a brand new out break. People have gone for years without knowing they have Herpes because they don't experience an actual out break. If you got tested for Herpes and it came back negative then you don't have it. Congrats to you!

@lauralaura_4 Thank You! I hope so. I just don’t know if I’m prepared for another result told me that I’m actually have it. This second guy is so careless he didn’t listen to me when I told him to put it on. This happen a month ago. The only guy I have unprotected sex with before I went to the doc for a pap and birth control. Come to the visit I had bladder infection. Bc I’m afraid that I might be pregnant(neg). I’m sorry for telling you my story. I still haven’t come to it and coping for me so hard. It been a week since I found out my pap result. Sorry again. I just needed to talk to other ppl about. I can’t really talk or tell anyone that not going through this. You know what I mean. Thank you for your feedback

....and that is the beauty of abstinence my dear. Sex comes with a huge emotional responsibility and potential consequences. Get the results girlfriend and if it's negative, celebrate and start treating your body and sexuality much better.

@lauralaura_4 Thank you! Hugs!