Well I'm not one of those very involved mothers in the playground who gather in groups and gossip doing fetes and gardening! I get involved with the kids personal activities and support the school normally obviously.
Anyway my eldest son Kai had just gone into year 1 (2004)and had a difficult reception year as he was much an introvert after witnessing domestic violence for the first 2 and a half years of his life. He found it extremely difficult to be apart from me and was late out of nappies, dummies, stopped talking etc. So they used to have to take him from me kicking and screaming for most of that year.
So this year I was hoping for him to regain confidence and get along better at school. In the october a little boy called Jordan joined the school after having to move due to his mothers (alana) very violent relationship with her boyfriend at the time so they were rehoused. Jordan & Kai became inseperable from the word go - they were very similar in nature and personality (quite, reserved, well behaved, mixed with a few chosen friends) and had obviously although unbeknown to them been through the same trauma.
Within a few weeks Kai was invited to Jordans 6th bday party at a childrens gus gorillas ball pit.
It was that very day that I met Alana to actually speak to her and we just got on like a house on fire - we had such a laugh she was just like me rude, sarcastic, life and soul of the party! And I found out that day that one of my neighbours I new for a while was actually her brother & sister-in-law (small world). Well I asked her to come round with Jordan one afternoon after school and it started as it went on - a bottle of vodka & jack daniels, loud music and alot of fun!!! The kids were enjoying their fun and so were we!
And thats where it all began - I have to laugh to myself at this point, over the next few months we would meet as passing one another running in to the school 5 minutes late as usual! Arrive to collect them after a few drinks at lunch time with sunglasses on! Or early in morning with the sunglasses and hair scragged back trackies on after a very late night or early morning!!!!
We used to just laugh and new that everyday we would get looked at by other mums or teachers (thinking oh its them late again!!) It was funny at the time! It was always us the naughty mummies that didnt do it quite like all the rest!
We became very much inseperable she was always staying with us and doing lots of things with kids and together and Jordan used to ask to come over all the time as she was never really a cook (she didnt even have an oven for the 1st year- bless her) and he loved my big home cooked dinners and he still does - except I dont do much cooking of late.
From that very first afternoon she came round she wasnt well then but we didnt know why at the time!
There is the intro domestic
happy reading & the story will continue I promise I love talking about her and re living our friendship and smiling whilst thinking of her which doesn't happen very often as still get tearful just from songs pictures words anything really - and Jordan always talks about her to me as I do to him with regular visits to the grave - a brave face I keep for him & he always says he loves me and cuddles & kisses me when hes with us its gorgeous xxx