Approaching a challenge with a positive V a negative attitude

It is amazing what a difference it can make when you view the world as a negative place V a positive place.

And it's hard to try and view it as being positive all the time and try to embrace it. To put your heart out there without thinking you need a tough heart for this world. Without thinking
"of course THAT was going to happen to me"
"of course they would say that about me"
"he/she was looking at me funny there, I know it"
"I'm so depressed today, I want to bury myself in my blankets and protect myself from this cruel world"
"I am nothing, I deserve nothing good"

But when you wake in the morning and say you wake in an ok mood not up not down, and say you decide to get up, do your think, but view people as having positive thoughts, strangers as being welcoming and kind.
Then rewind take that exact same day doing your thing, but viewing people as having negative thoughts, the world turning a cold shoulder, uncaring, unkind...feels overwhelming doesn't it?

Which one of you will have the better day?

I'm not saying it's easy, it's not easy at all sometimes there are days where you want to rip the head off even cute puppies cos of your own frustrations, but it's important to know with little steps even on the hardest of days the world is not a cold hostile place it is kind and giving...remember this it can really help.

Remember the world is not rejecting you, try not to reject the world.

Hope ye have a good day guys. xx
Moongal x

Thank you MG! Keep focusing on the positive, and beleive in your own power to beat this monster!! Take care..Jan ♥

Thanks Jan,
Even though I feel I go through about 4 emotions an hour, I am trying to realise that life isn't about trying shut out those emotions but embrace those emotions even the angry ones in a positive way.

Love you
Moongal x


full of admiration for how far u have come and how helpful your posts are to others

u go from strenght to strenght even if it is slowly progress brings its own rewards as u have to so many here

love D

That's exactly how I feel. I have so many bad days, it really does outnumber the good days. Thanks for this. It made me realize im not the only one out there.

Hey D,
Thanks for your kind words, somedays are good and some not so but I am trying to get there.
Love you

Hey Tinker,
I feel like that too, but I think sometimes realising that realising I don't feel good today, but still going out there or just getting on with your day and embracing the rest of the world with positive thoughts and feelings, it really takes that negativity off you cos your focus is on the wonderfulness of the world.

Sometimes I even find looking at someone and wondering how they are feeling, really helps me, cos I realise I'm not the only "feeling" person in the world, there are others, and we all laugh, cry, get angry, fall in and out of love, need, want, get excited, anxious, etc

So no you are not the only one out there at all hun. Please remember this.

Love to you
Moongal x


your last made me laugh was just telling my second born that her son was gona be ok with his exposing himself ( hes two and potty training and others have been there before her)

your message brought it home as no other could its all about perspective

love D

No 2 year olds aren't shy about that.

Moongal x