Are You Really Happy?

I recorded and watched this Oprah "Are You Happy?" episode. It was quite impactful and really made me think. Let me know your thoughts on it, are you really happy?

For me there's room for improvement for sure...


happiness has fleeting moments in life but i am content with my lot so who knows mayb thats easier to sustain long term

love D :)

I think that I am happy on the whole and feel fulfilled, but there's definitely room for more happiness for sure :-)

A lot of the time I'm not really happy because I believe happiness is based on happenings. Though I do carry inside me a deep sense of inner joy which is entirely different for me. Having a sense of peace in this often choatic world helps with that joy. Having the love of Jesus Christ in my life is a definite advantage to having joy inside. But because happiness is based on external, no I don't have lots of it. Nor am I really expected to have it since there is a difference between joy and happiness. I'd rather have a life FILLEd with joy than moments of happiness.


sounds much like my contentment with life i too prefer to be filled with harmony and tranquility rather than ups and downs of the emotional mood swings

be kind to u

love D

I expected so much more from Oprah. The quiz for me left a lot of key happiness components out. I was kinda disappointed by it. Thanks for posting it though. Different folks are helped by different things. : )

if i could feel even o.k. for one entire day (24 hours), emotionally, physically & mentally , i would be out of my mind with happiness....barri


mayb we could start with a smaller goal and u could feel happy for five mins in every hour and increase it but i do know what u mean on a bad day no matter how good it all is everything is tainted by the shadows of pain and problems

but be kind to u and take care

love D

I am content but not happy and many times not even content. Problem is I am menopausal and my mind runs over things a million different ways. I so want to go back 20 years when I could just be happy, for no reason. Even when around the things and people that make me happiest I find a reason to be sad alot. Stupid huh? I am always looking for the down side so I won't be disappointed when it comes I guess


menopausal is a stage not a life sentence although i will agree it feels like it at the time i wanted to boil people in oil in my day but u are right its often good to want to go back to those days when u had a few friends round for a get to gether and didnt worry about boring things like food poisoning or being too drunk to find the floor and it took very little to make us happy was on about it this afternoon that youth is wasted on the young should get youth when u can appreciate it like our age

still have u seen the doctor at all about the menopause u can get help and its really good and makes things less frantic
u are not stupid for being sad mayb a bit premature or not giving yourself a chance to explore things to the fullest but it could be a safety blanket and needed right now

no matter be kind to yourself and smile

love D