Argument With my mom throws me into a depressive episode

So i was having an argument with my mom and suddenly she turns the tv’s volume up and stops listening…clearly i walk out, hurt and offended. It’s been 4 days now of cold Hellos only…It’s really hurting me. I’m losing sleep ans sanity over it and yesterday i spiraled to the point of thinking about very very bad things…

I am assuming she won’t apologize.

She never does… I always have to find a way to get back to normal speaking terms gradually. It takes about a week.

What do you do to talk to her again? Im teying really hard to think of a way to help but im out of ideas

1 Heart

It keeps going like that until we smoothly go back to the norm but the process always drains me and kills me

Not normal hun, but I get it, it was how my mother acted when i was younger too.

Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and just move forward, if you can at least act like everything is normal around here there is a good chance that she will start to act like things are normal. Unfortunately some parents are just difficult. Its actually pretty petty to hold long grudges against your own child over some argument that probably was just a difference of opinion I am guessing. Yes it sucks that they don’t think like you do, but sometimes you need to just accept that and move forward. Nobody wants to walk on eggshells in their homespace.

1 Heart

I agree with the wisdom @MagiaMoonlight wrote, sometimes it is just better to the person who calms the waves when you are stuck living together.

1 Heart

I used to work with people with dementia. Those that are impaired that way only communicate on the most basic levels because they have a limit … that they hit quickly. That said, maybe she is unable to push against you as she can not verbalize her frustration with the conversation. Especially if she loves you… She will not feel it easy to question your thoughts.