As I plunge, Headlong into Darkness, Most Profound, I hea

As I plunge,
Headlong into Darkness,
Most Profound,
I hear in the distance,
A lovely sound.
The voice of those that notice,
Lost not inside themselves,
Struggling surely,
Yet aware.
They call me,
Back to the beautiful light.
I follow the voices,
The truth,
The Love,
And escape the endless night.
*This one, for those that care, see, pay attention, and realize, I am more than text, pixels, and a profile picture. They that Love me, and as they see me fall, they are there, with a candle, a rope, a hand; and save me, from the isolation of my Wall.
I thank you.

4 Hearts

We will always be that voice and presence making sure your rope holds tight my friend!

1 Heart

Thank you kindly…
Hope you are well, smiling, and having a lovely day…