Back from Hospital

Had to go to emergency room Friday night because of my lungs. I can't believe I ate too much as sick as I was. Had a lot of PTSD while I was there. Turning in early tonight.

hey bunny what happened?????????


You okay now bunny???

I have COPD Emphysema and Asthma. Being allergic to the rabbits has made it worse and periodically I have breathing attacks and have to be admitted for lung treatment. Someone suggested going on allergy medicine and see if that helps. I'm going to try that before giving up my rabbits. I don't think it will work well because I had the same problem with a guinea pig I use to have, went on allergy meds and still had to give up Rupert. I'm ok right now. Thanks for asking.

hmmm so it was the rabbits that made you allergic??? are you sure you cant give them up cause what if it really hurts you??? i know it must be hard, though..


maureen, The allergy to the rabbits, hay and shavings kicks in very badly the COPD, Emphysema and Asthma, damage from when I use to smoke. Adding the symptoms of allergy adds (more swallen bronchial tubes) causes the breathing attacks. Results in ER emergency lung treatments. Then all the injections start, admitted 2 - 4 days til my oxygen level is above 90 (when it's suppose to be 98) and my breathing is stable. They got me on the Prednisone. The fat injections and fat pills I have to take for 2 weeks. I gain so much weight so fast from them it's rediculous. The weight gain is the hardest part of it all.

I think with Oliver I'm allergic to the dander like I was the guinea pig. With Bazoo I think it's her fur not the dander, which is not as bad.

Good news is that today I found a multimillion dollar farm facility that saves animals. Oliver will be living like a little king with more than everything a bunny needs and all the love and attention he could ever want. He'll get to live there the rest of his life. They have room for Bazoo too, but I have a feeling I wont be able to give her up. I told them maybe a month. I need more time with her. They said that was ok, that they will still hold a place for Bazoo. maureen,,, I keep trying to rationalize this "keeping Bazoo" thing. So far, keeping her or letting her go doesn't make sense.