I have had a dull back ache for the last few days. I have had back pain since I was a young girl. When I was around five, I was climbing up on the back of the truck we owned then. The tail gate let go and I fall back, slamming my tail bone against the ground. It hurt very bad for a while after that. I have since then hit my tail bone two other times. I haven't been out walking much this summer because it has been so hot and humid. Walking helps with my back pain. I have got to get back out and start walking again.
Walking is great for back pain.
However, stretching daily is the best. Start off slow and then work yourself up to a moderate routine.
I had to learn this the hard way. The doctors told me for years to stretch. I wouldn't listen. I took the meds and did physical therapy. Yes, that stuff worked, but not as good as stretching.
Good luck and feel better. :)
Hey LuvsHeadMeds, Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't done any stretching in a while. I will for sure remember to start doing that also as well as walking. Usually once I get up in the morning and walk around for a while the pain either lessens or goes away all together. I think this bout may also been weather related.