I hope I did the right thing. this morning I told my wife times up it is time for her to come be a mom and get out of the spot she is in and dosent want to be,as she told me just because of her shame. Her shame will pass the pain she is causing her kids will not if she doesnt change her course. I am not going keep telling her that i will help whenever she is ready. That is like a permission slip. This is not a game these are kids lives. She will soon be dwithout a car phone and she is already starving with no hot water and will probably be homeless soon. She needs to decide if she wants to be a mom now while it is still easy to do or struggle for her kids understanding later. I cant stay on this ride this is my stop.
you might have worded it wrong. I think you should have told her that you have to move on that waiting is doing damage.
Making her feel trapped may make her run and never comeback.
I would consider setting boundries, and tell her the door is open however I feel certain conditions must be met, and she may have conditions for you. Make her listen to your feeling and you listen to hers! This will give you a great start!
you should have also told her that she may want to consider what she is doing to the children. The children will for give her for something she did, but they may never forgive her for leaving them.
Counceling really helps. :) I hope you reach out for some.
I did say most of those things to her I just did not include it all in my post. Hope she wants to do the right thing.