BDD has made my life hell, I would like to share my story

I have never officially had this disorder diagnosed but I can be 100 percent sure this is the hell i live in. Since 10 years old I have been a very focused girl on my outer beauty, never being good enough, ever. I am 22 now and still struggle daily with the most simple of things.
At 10 I began compulsive mirror staring, I hated what I saw. I hated my nose, I wanted it to be smaller than it was. I hated my body, I starved my self. I hated freckels, I hated so much of my self. I would skip school, pretend to be sick, I did this all until 13 when it became worse. I hated my self so very much that I began hurting my self. I cut my self with razors, or anything sharp. I have always thought I deserved to be hurt for being so awful. At 15 and 16 I became very skinny due to very low cal. intake I did on purpose, I was looking at photos now stick skinny. I would spend hours trasnformed in mirrors trying to find who I was. I often could not even see who I was but some creature in the mirror staring back at me. IT was horrifying. I went on prozac for a year when a dr. told my parents I was deppressed. This was the only time in my life I was happy in life, I didn't avoid things - I embraced them. I can't remember ever disliking my self then. I went off and I slowly went down hill from there. I lost several pounds and I can remember people telling me how skinny I was but wanting to tell them how dumb they were for thinking that. People telling me I was pretty and it made me feel like it was a joke. I have always been obsesseive with tanning, and teeth whitening, and hair dying and working out. I wanted so much surgery but I had no money and a fear of surgery. I was put on klonopin for the last five years for anxiety and I am almost off of it now, and my BDD is feeling a lot worse . Two years ago I tried killing my self twice as well - which I read was a very high percent of people with this disorder. The first time I took 300mgs of Klonopin and I was put a mental ward, I lied my way out so I could go home after 3 days. The second time I slit my wrists, I lied and told them I was just reverting back to cutting and didn't mean to aim for my wrists. I remember both times vividly that I hated my self and wanted a way out.

I am 22 and I live with my boyfriend. I am currently weaning off of Klonopin and I think it is making it a lot worse. I find my self wanting to never leave my room unless I have work, and now I feel like working in a public area customers are staring at me. I feel my fat taking me over. I can not look at a mirror now. It is the opposite of being younger, I can only see my self with a very dim light where I can barely make out my face. When my boyfriend tells me I am pretty I get very upset and think he is a liar. When people tell me I am skinny I think they are mocking me.
I can see photos of my self from other time frames and wonder why I might have been pretty then but so hideous now. It is almost like I have no connection to my outer image.

I just need help, I am curious if any one else has this going on. Thank you .

Dear pamiam214 ,

it is truely sad, to read that you are a young woman who finds only negatvie sides of her body and life.

your self image is destroyed, this is your main problem.

No medication will rebuild your self image, so you have to find a solution to love, respect and accept your self the way you are.

Ask your self, what is better, to be skinny with diabetes?
or normal or fat with healthy body?

I hope you can find your inner peace dear.

Take care of your self..


I too have issues with my body. It's a rough cycle. What works for me is exercisig. I always feel better when I'm done. I'm sorry to hear about you trying to kill yourself. Ive been in some low points before too. Can you think of a time in your life when you were happy- just one moment. Maybe a specific day or time frame. Can you think of a time where you were content and happy without any drugs in your system? If you can... Think back on that moment and remember te people you were with and what you were doing. Those are the people to surround yourself with. It's important to not be alone. Feel free to share with me if you want to talk.

It just makes me so mad that soctiety does this to young girls. We all see the incredibly skinny models on magazine covers and it is drilled into us at such young age that you are not worth anything unless you look like that. I know I have a very weird body image. When i was in my twenties I was 127 pounds and 5'7'. I thought I was fat. Now that I am 42 I am still obsessed with weight. I still equate self worth with weight. I know intellectually that when I was 127 that was too skinny, It actually hurt my stomach when I lay on my back! but that ideal is still with me. Please get help now , it just makes me sick that such a young person should pin their self worth on appearance. You should be concerned about your health and what a great future is in store for you and not about looking like the people in fashion magazines that airbrush all thier models.

Let us start our day today, with happy smile, healthy eating, and alot of activities in order to forget our weight problems.

We are talanted, funny smart, and we can think in many issue that are really more important than weight.

Have a wonderful day all :)

I am going through a similar situation there just seems to be no hope sometimes but your getting through it and that's the best we can hope for