hi all. new on this site. i have bipolar II disorder and alcoholic. who else?
Right here. I am so in the same boat as you, and let me tell you, what a struggle it is. Are you currently sober? I have 48 days and am newly sober. Alcoholism is a hard addiction to crush especially having bipolar II on top of that. I am finding though, that working on the mental aspects with therapy and meds (serious therapy not the just talk kind) has been extremely important to taying sober. My alcoholism has many causes, but one of the reasons I drink is to calm my moods and keep myself stable.
Hello there, and welcome to the website :)
I to have Bipolar II and I know it's only early days but I to have been sober for nearly a week and I feel like I don't know myself at times it is most uncomfortable, but I continue to push myself through to another day as hard as it is.
I have been on Lithium for months now and found that it wasn't helping me while I was drinking so I had to make a clean break.
Have you been able to form a support group around you to help you through the rough patches??
Hope you find this website useful towards your recovery, talk soon :)
From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder