Because I cant sleep

I hate that I have so many sleeping issues. I hate being awake, and thinking about things. I get all depressed. It sucks. I keep thinking about life. and things that have happened. people ive lost. mistakes ive made. and what not. I hate that I feel like I have no clue how to deal with myself when I feel like this. I use to have my eating disorder, but its been taken away from me. ironic if you knew me. I feel so strange. I dont know how to handle things. Its not that I want to be sick, but I want something that helps me to cope with life!! is there anything? I dont even know.

whats currently on my mind is my uncle, and his death. I was just getting to know him better. and just as I was forming that relationship he was taken away. I saw someone in the store today that looked just like him. I almost cried. I dont know how to deal with what Im feeling over this loss. My grandfather died abour 2 and a half years ago, and I still dont know how to deal with that. When I think about it, I get all upset. So I try my hardest to not think. That apparently does not always work. I miss them both. And I miss my eating disorder. How messed up am I? Why would I miss an eating disorder? perhaps because it gave me some sort of idenity, and something to take my mind off of everything. oh well.

I really need sleep!

hi, my name is Ingrid. I too have experienced loss in the last few years..... I first lost my uncle; I was extremely close to him. He and my son share the same birthday! My grandpa died a few months later. Then my mom's best friend who was special the entire family.

When it came to the first year anniversary I had so much grief and doubt, but then i realized that all three of them were no longer in pain, no longer worrying, they were at peace. Those of us left behind need to remember our loved one's but don't grieve; celebrate their lives and what they met to our life!

I know it is difficult but you will get through it.

sweet dreams


grief is a pain its not got any rules or symtoms can hit years after the event the best way to deal with it is different for everyone else but i like to think of death as our loved ones just going into another room that we cant join them in yet

as for the rest would it help to put it down in a journal/letter to your loved one and tell them what u wanted from the relationship and how much u miss them for what ever reasons and read it back or post it here
but be kind to yourself and take each day one minute at a time but be true to your loved ones would they want to see u defeated by something that is natural and dont forget they are still a part of your life the memories are still there their voices and words still used by u in your life so they never leave us

try to have a great day
love D