Been by myself ever since my divorce, and what I have learne

Been by myself ever since my divorce, and what I have learned is that no one can quote ever really be there the way Good will

i think you are right, in the way that no one can possibly ever really completely know what another person is going through. the most we can do is lend a shoulder to lean on, and empathize with the struggle. I think it is important to be authentic in a way where we are honest when we do not understand where someone is coming from, but understand their need for support. What does the group think?

It's an issue that I've been thinking about a lot, lately, for obvious reasons (decree approved by the court last month, it becomes final in August; I'm moving out soon). As an atheist I don't have any god to rely on, but I do have friends, and my son (half the time). For some reason, though, I have no doubt that I'll find love again. Perhaps I've lost my mind. :D

1 Heart

From Romantic Relationships to Divorce & Separation