Before you give up read this

When I was 2, my mother married her third husband; my step-dad. My biological sperm donor was very abusive (as were all her husbands) and tried to kill my mother when she was pregnant with me. My mom and all her husbands were alcoholics. My mom also has MPD; multiple personality disorder;( now known as DID) she has 3 distinct personalities and her primary; so I basically grew up with 4 moms.

My step dad began sexually abusing me when I was 3, which went on for 8 years. As a means of escape, I began drinking when I was 10. My mom was oblivious to this. When I was almost 12; I attempted suicide as a means of escape. Which prompted my step dad to accuse me of being promiscious and a “problem child” as well as bulemic. I was taken from the emergency room to a psych hospital for 30 days, where I celebrated my 12th birthday in restraints. My step dad left me alone when I came home; after all, I was “crazy” and it might be contagious, soon after my mother and I left him after he attempted to kill us by cutting the brakes on the car.

I was in and out of girls homes, dumped on other family members and eventually became emancipated from my mom at 16. I went from man to man and “alternative lifestyles” for several years. I quit school but later got my GED. But I became a professional student. I went to beauty school, secretarial school, medical assistant school, private investigator school and numerous psychology courses. I also studied numerous religions from Buddhism to witchcraft. I even got my Pastoral certification (ordination) and a BA in divinity. I have clung to primarily Wiccan beliefs.

My daughter and I were homeless and lived in my car until it was repossesed and then we lived on the street. Prior to that when we lived with her sperm donor, we had lots of money and lived very well. But he was abusive and we left him when she was only 6 months old. I’ve lived in probably 40 different places in my life. Including my 80 acre ranch in the White Mountains, living totally off the grid.

I was also a drug addict and got involved with a biker gang. I have been to jail 3 or 4 times and prison for 18 months. I have attempted suicide 12 times in the last 35 years. I’ve been in and out of rehab’s. I’ve been married and divorced 3 times and have two children (and now two grandchildren) my son is the product of a rape in 1992.

My daughter is in the air force and my son recently went to live with her out of state because he couldn’t follow my rules; you know the ones like don’t destroy property, don’t go to jail, don’t try to kill your mom. Both of my children are basically out of my life.

I went back to school again and got a degree in social services. I’ve worked the last 10 years in the behavioral health field in one capacity or another. I also operated my own community outreach service out of my own and did life coaching. All the while trying to appear “normal” with my own diagnosis of PTSD, BPD, bi-polar.

I published my first book in 2003 and continue to sporadically work on 3 more as well as freelance article writing. I recently had a melt down and am no longer working or functioning very well. I have lost my identity somehow. I’ve also discovered that I need to refocus on getting myself well as opposed to putting on a facade of being well.

So, why am I telling you all this? To brag or say look what I’ve done? To get sympathy? NO. My point in writing this is to show all of you that no matter what you have done, where you’ve been or how bad life has been, I know in the deepest recesses of my mind that it can change and get better. We are not our diagnosis’. We are not helpless (even though I may feel that way right now). We do have things to offer to this world. Although we may never be “cured”, we can be better than what we are right now. So no matter how many times I say “**** it”, I know that it can get better. Like I always say; this too shall pass–it might feel like a kidney stone while it’s passing, but it will pass.

Thanks for sharing

Wow, you absolutely amaze me!! WOW! I'm going to quit whining about my stuff! I hope for only good things for you for here on out!

Thank you for sharing your story!

Hugs, Suzee

I amaze you??? That's odd. I've never considered myself to be amazing to anyone unless we were talking about incredibly stupid I have been and can continue to be.
You're welcome.

Yes Maam you do amaze me!! You have been through all of that and you are on here telling others not to give up! I'm proud to have met you! Honestly, I think every one of use the word "stupid" way too much. It's absolutely the favorite word of anyone who's experienced abuse.. I use it too... We aren't stupid.... Well at least you aren't!!!

More hugs, Suzee

Well, lately I've been feeling stupid. Even knowing what I know and still going through the problems I'm going thru right now and having my own moments of suicidal ideation.

Stupid was one of my computer names in the. Early 80s. I really felt it described me and my failures.

I am finally getting better at not letting other people's comments make me feel stupid, defective, and inferior, but it is so hard.

That's good tools, it does take work

Do you have any idea that the very fact that you're on here, sharing you story, is inspirational to us that feel like the world is **** and is punishing us for every wrong thing we've ever done.

I am so thankful that you shared your story because it helps me realize that that I'm not alone, that there really are others that my be sitting right beside me in a Starbucks, have their business suit on, heels, nylons, totally look the part of a completely syphisticated (did I spell that right?) many times over millionare, and yet, still be a little fucked up. And I'm not saying you are.

I'm quite ok with admitting that I'm fucked up. I've got alot of issues. All while I try and raise a 18, 16, and 15 yr old by myself.

I told my kids for the first time that I was diagnosed with BPD back in 1999 and that there is a reason for my radical ups and downs, why I cry incessantly, why its really hard for me to come back down if I'm really pissed off, why when I'm sad it's really hard for me to come back.

I don't know what I'm saying here, I guess I'm saying that misery loves company and I'm glad that you're around to talk to, and everybody else that has followed this, what do you call it when you follow somebodys' story on here, a thread?.

Thank you for sharing your story. You are an awesomewome woman for having the balls to get through what you've been through and still be strong enough to be here for us. I hate this BPD ****. I thought it was depression and bi-polar. Borderline Personality Disorder. Borderline from what to what? Ever seen the move Girl, Interrupted? I'm her, I still can't figure out what exactly is wrong with me.

I'll be back later, I have to try and get some sleep - girls have two soccer games tomorrow and I have to be up in 2 hrs - Look forward to signing in later.

Till then my friends, it's so nice to know that there are others that can help me with this BPD ****.

Love babsbro, Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada

See bk1ckr,

you ARE to an amazing woman!! I hope you are doing ok today!!

Sending hugs, Suzee

wow. That story was amazing. I especially liked the quote "Although we may never be 'cured' we can be better then what we are right now." It gave me a lot of hope, as I am new to being diagnosed. It is a scary thought.

You are one of THE most amazing people I've ever heard of ever! If my friend where to hear of you he might just be able to feel or even have a normal relationship. I know his past and its horrible, his dad sucks and he had 5 personalties now now is one person, which mental problems due to his family mental problems. You rock!

Wow B1cker, you are so incredibly amazing and great! You have been through so much, done so much and especially achieved so much despite all the bad! I want to read your story every time I start feeling hopeless because even though I haven't been through or done half of the things you described I feel such a connection to you in the things we do share (I hope that doesn't weird you out or make you mad) and your story makes me feel ... just hopeful and not alone. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Sincerely and with hugs,

Hey Me!! Good to see you!! You are right, B1ckr is absolutely amazing!! I am hoping she will continue to work on her books and I am betting that they are very good books!!

B1ckr, How are you doing? As you can see, you've connected to alot of people here! I hope you are doing well! Please let us know how you're doing OK?

Sending hugs, Suzee