Being diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome feels like a life sentence...
Had it in 2002, although after a year it had eased off. Doctors called it that cause they couldn't diagnose what it was. Not sure they know anymore today about it, but it's manageable, but highly frustrating.
My rheumatologist told me 7 years ago at dx. This won't kill you, but you'll wish you were dead. Yup. Get ready for a roller coaster ride.
@Limboland That is so true… It’s like a never ending nightmare.
- This won't kill you, but you'll wish you were dead. OMG that's so true...funny but true.
@Nikki5 that’s really funny…thanks for support…hhhhh
I was diagnosed with cfs n fibro in 1991 by a rheumatologist. I asked him what causes it. He said there is no money to be made in finding the cause or a cure. He said pharmaceutical companies make more money on meds that manage systems. When u think about it there is know real up side to finding a cure for any chronic illness. Which is devastatingly sad for all those suffering but it's true.