okay, olivia, i read the pasage on Bible.com since i still cannot find my bible!( i dont understnad this, how does a bible dissapear into thin air! i always know where i put it! ughhhh.... )
and , ok---do i put my interpretation of it here ?
it was speaking of how the ungodly are shallow and will perish into dust , but the righteous will be upheld by God. and that the LORD will make his the godly bear much good fruit. i percieved it as to not conform to the ungodly and to remain in God s word for God will uphold you and keep u safe from the enemy. and to not tread into temptation and become part of the world, but part of God . therefore, God will BLESS you if u keep his word.
for example : todays shallow wretched times whereas you cannot turn on the t.v. without tons of sex, lust, violence, hate and greed and most importantly the power of IMAGE(looking a certain way) that soceity so wants us to conform to.
in the world : if you do not look a certain way or have money or success or greed or do not conform with the world's casual sexuality--YOU are nothing and made fun of . i think the most important of this is image , well, cause that is the one i struggle most with. i try to conform to the world's view of beauty and when i get caught up in that, i become obssessive and miserable and hurt myself with eating disorders to try to please the world's hidoeous view of beauty. in doing so, i lose sight of GOD and my true self, which is not the way i look but who I am on the inside : spirit, mind, and personality.
in conforming to the world's evil standard i lose myself and my relationhsip with God, but by keeping safe and close to God i will redeem myself. and eventually not care what the silly world has to say ( cause the world and unglody shall perish anyway.)
so, that is my take on the passage today---to be closer to God , and bear fruit through him, and lose the ways of the wretched world( which just makes me miserable anyway).
OH and for my prayer requests: for God to heal me mind, BODY and spirit, to accept myself the way I am ( even if i go through changes i dont like) , to love myself , to ignore the ways of the world , to find success in what God has in His plan for me, to have more ambition and not think i am worthless and a dumb loser, to not have so many fears and anxeity and depression . also, to overcome my eating disorder...
for my fiancee joe, that his heart check up goes well and that is heart is ok( he has heart disease) and that he prospers well and feels good within himself.
for ALL my friends and family and all of u on this site. ( LOL).
id like to make a special prayer for all of us struggling with eating disorders today, and this i uphold to god on a daily basis, as i see women struggling with this evil every single day--bashing themsleves, hurting themselves according to the world's shallow views... so i ask God to help those struggling with ED and hating themselves today, and hope that Gods hand can cure them and make them see the truth in how wonderful we all are without destroying oursleves. amen.
for the homeless and sick and those with terminal disease, i pray for---for the abused and forgotten and poor, i pray for ...
and for all of those suffering today in that massive earthquake in Japan, i pray for.....
sorry this was so long, i didnt think it owuld be! HA, LOL, seems once i get going i cant stop...LOL...
thanks so much colorful, for this
lastly, i interpret this passage as not to conform to the world for the world will be swept away like dust in the wind, but to stand up for what is right and pure and good even if u will be rejected by the world ( and christians will have this happen.)
love ya