Binge Eating...Catch 22

Hey sweetie,
Sorry grabbed some dinner there. I fear I am at the edge here. I really want to binge, I hate that about me. (amongst many other things)

I really like your idea of hypnosis though, and thought maybe that could really help for me. Anyway I'm just look at sites and calling a few people to see can they help? It would be such a blessing if I got somewhere with it.


That's cool. Hope you enjoyed your dinner. Have you binged?

Please don't hate yourself. You are a beautiful person with such a caring soul.

I think everything is worth a try. You never know whether it will work unless you give it a try. I hope you find someone that can do it for you. Let me know how you get on

Did you go for your walk?


No I didn't go, and I overate, so two great things I've done today. I don't feel anything yet for doing it, but I will later.

How is your day going, I hope better than mine.


Moongal, your day is not over yet, right? If not, you can do things to turn it around, to turn your energy around and feel better about everything. Let's get you to a place of feeling good about your day. What are some of the positives of your day thus far?

moongal, hang in there dear

habits are just very hard to break
but with time and perseverance I have every faith in you that you will succeed to reach your goals.

Baby steps dear!
make achievable goals, daily one day at a time
and by all means DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP when you falter or stumble

stumbling does NOT mean you have not succeeded , stumbling is a part of the recipe of SUCCESS...
so long as you do not give up

It's kinda like a drug addiction that way, it tends to be treatment resistent, so just keep on fighting as you are and soon you will get to where you want to be.

Try to set a small goal for yourself and then when you reach that one, set another.

I think it is good to allow yourself to indulge (preferably w/ the fruits, or popcorn or something that is more healthy) and then WEAN off, make the goal easy at first and with time under your belt you ought to get stronger and the impulse to over indulge to get weaker.

MG, don't be so hard on yourself. You have made some great positive steps today. You made it through one of your toughest times without bingeing. You got up, got dressed and left the house. These are both major things. I am proud of you for both of these. You have done so well today, please give yourself credit for these things.

How are you feeling? xx

WOW- I read your post.. and felt like I was reading something that I would have written. I don't really have any advice yet~ I have done better in the past but have been feeling really lost lately.

I just wanted to say thanks for posting and you are most definitely not alone!

I am so sorry you feel that way, I've often said I would not wish this on my worst enemy and I really mean it. I too feel very lost, having good days and then falling off the wagon, and feeling like no one understands, that I find really hard, I need people in my life to understand this one cos without that it is certainly lonely. How are you getting along today?

Thank you for all your support and encouragement, it is very much appreciated. I emailed you there.

And pegasus it certainly is like a drug addiction, one like all of them that is hard to get away from. I hope you are having a good day sweetie.

Love to you
Moongal x

hello Moongal
I have faith in Us dear we can make it thru all of this mess

I was also have been considering the value of loving ourselves just as we are

without the need to feel we need to be any different

to embrace our dark side may be the answer in an overall picture

we can always strive to do better to be better but we can also accept and love ourselves the way we are and
not let our perceived inadequecies get the better of us...

Take Care girl, hang on in there, and no beating yourself up.

Hi Moongal, how are you doing and feeling now? Just checking in with you. Hope you are well. Sending you big hugs & lots of love.

Hey puppy,
I'm doing ok, lot of work still to do. I'm finding it a very emotional process. How are you getting along?

Love you
Moongal x

Hi Moongal, I am doing as well as can be, thank you so much for asking. I know that sometimes all of the work can be overwhelming, but try to continue taking it one small step at a time and day by day. This will ease the feelings of being overwhelmed. Please let me know how you are doing. Thinking of you, praying for you, and sending you lots of love.

Hey Puppy,
Thanks for asking how I'm doing that is so kind of you. I'm doing ok I guess although I'm still overeating and relying on food to "catch" me when I fall, which I know is not going to help.

Tomorrow is going to be a better day for me, I'm going to make sure of it.

How are you getting on hun? Well I hope.

Love you
Moongal x

Hi Moongal, this is something that won't go away over night, but you are very aware of it and working to lessen your intake slowly but surely. It's all about changing direction when you are making your way to the kitchen to get food. If you feel that urge, try to re-direct yourself to another activity. At the very least, come here and let us know how you are feeling. If you write out what's going on in mind and why you are making your way to the kitchen, this will help your mind get in the habit of getting through the emotions in a different and healthier way. Also in a way that will make you feel better. How did you make it through the weekend?

I am doing a-okay, thank you so much. I've just been working a lot and not playing enough. I am really looking forward to hopefully getting out one night this weekend. Thank you so much for asking.

Hey Puppy,
Ya I am trying those approaches, I guess I'm just going to have to keep at it, til I break down that wall.

Oh I hope you take a break this weekend sweetie, it's good for you to embrace yourself too.

Love you
Moongal x

Hi Moongal, it'll get better and better, easier and easier, that I know for sure. It takes time and patience, but I know that you will get there. Just keep practicing implementing helpful tools each day and it will become a good healthy habit that you create soon. I am always here for you.

I definitely plan to take at least one day off this weekend. I need a day of doing nothing :-)


THE CATCH 22 of binging!
Through my experience, I find that writing is helpful, I think that writing on this site has been the most helpful because when i want to binge, i have things i want to release. There are emotions I want to understand, so just reading something doesn't help as much as being able to release thoughts and emotions i'm holding on to and covering up if I binge.
Also, when i get on this site i am reminded of all the people struggling through this like i am and it gives me strength. When I write on this site, it is either before or after a binge. Either way, after writing on this site I find the strength to not continue the binge or not start it at all.
We are all here to support one another, let's have faith in this and we CAN do iT!!!!

Thanks ayudando,
Unfortunately I still struggle with binge eating, and depression I go through phases of trying to be strong, and then breaking, then completely breaking down crying all the time and then back to being strong again. It's a sucky old cycle.

Do you suffer from BED too may I ask? If you so I hope you are getting better with it. I so want to get better, I just wish my head and heart would obey that message.

Moongal x