Has anyone experienced any type of bleeding while on Cymbalta? I am having some bleeding internally...coming out at the least desirable place....Also, a lot of stomach burning and gut bubbling...I go today after 4 to see my doc. I am afraid of what kind of tests he is going to want to do on me. But the bleeding has been going in intermittently since Saturday and my whole digestive system is upset...Don't know for sure that it IS the Cymbalta, but I do know that it can cause bleeding....I'm scared and nervous!!
Dear YaYa, yikes, I'm sorry this is happening! I don't have any knowledge about it being a possible side affect of Cymbalta. I'm really glad you are seeing a doctor today, because something is defiantely wrong!!
Please let us know how you are doing after doctor appt!!
Hi Ya Ya, I am so sorry to hear that you are experiencing these effects from Cymbalta. I don't have direct experience with it, but I am here to offer my support. It's good that you will be seeing your doctor today, so that this can hopefully be remedied for you. Please let us know how your appointment goes. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks, Suzee....I am sitting here in tears because I get really nervous about invasive procedures and I don't know what is going to happen.....I feel like a big sissy!! Everyone I have talked to in my family says most likely I will have to have either an upper GI or an colonoscopy....neither appeal to me at all!
My husband has to work late today and there is no one else to go with me, unless I drag my 17 year old son with me, and I don't want to do that to him.....My mom lives in another state.....
I will let you all know this evening when I get home how it went....thank you so much for your concern! It means a lot to me!
Puppy...Thank you so much for your support! It means the world to me!! I am really nervous, tears and all.....I will somehow make it through the day!
I don't know for sure that it is the Cymbalta..I just know that it can cause bleeding...I take a lot of ibuprofen, too....I have FM and my doc does not prescribe pain meds....So, hopefully we will find out soon what the problem is!
YaYa, I know that everything will go so peacefully and smoothly for you today. Please don't be afraid, I am holding your hand through this. I am praying for you and awaiting your progress report. Let me know how you are doing. Sending you big hugs.
The doc let me down. He did not seem so concerned....Told me to stop taking ibuprofen and switch to Tylenol. He will not give me pain meds for the Fibromylagia.
He told me that seeing A Gastroenterologist is "very expensive" so "I might want to hold off on that"...hmph....
Just told me to come back if there is any more bleeding....Also, they could not get a blood pressure on me....tried both arms..strange, cause I always have a great blood pressure....the nurse asked if I was dehydrated and left it at that. They drew some blood to check for anemia and that was that.
I left with no answers....
YaYa, I am so sorry that you were left with no answers, though do you think that this may actually be a good sign? Meaning, do you think that since the doctor didn't seemed concerned and asked you to switch to Tylenol, that it's a good sign?
Still not feeling well, although the blood seems to have lessened....have not taken any ibuprofen....Tylenol does not cut it for the FM pain and they refuse to give me any type of pain meds for the FM because i am bipolar and have "an addictive personality".....yet they give me xanax and soma....makes no effin' sense to me....I guess I am destined to live in pain and I am not sure how much more I can take.....
YaYa, I don't think that you are destined to live in pain. Is it at all possible for you to get a second opinion, because what the other doctor prescribed is obviously not working.
I took cymbalta for 3 years, and never had any bleeding from it, but it did cause me to have seizures, and also made me suicidal.
I stopped taking it on my own after the second seizure.
Good luck to you with that medicine, Its scares me!
Feelinfreedom, I am so sorry for what you went through because of cymbalta, that is very scary. How are you doing and feeling now since being off of it? Did your doctor replace it with another medication?
How are you feeling now? Its been about a month since you went in. I do know that Cymbalta CAN cause bleeding but it would be unnoticeable, only would show up through anemia. At least thats what I was told.
Ibuprofren will cause stomach bleeding and gastrointestinal bleeding. So that more than likely WAS your problem. Your Dr was right to have you switch to tylenol. But yeah, tylenol isn't the best pain reliever, I know. And you can't take any more either without serious consequences. Advil you can take up to 4 or 5 actually. I loved Advil, but can't take it with either.
I have been on Cymbalta for over a year, for depression and chronic pain. I don't know if its helping much though. I am still depressed and still have chronic pain. They may switch me next week to something else. Welbutrin I think? What did they give you for fibromyalsia? I have that too, they gave me gabapentin. It is non addictive. It is for overactive nerves. Have them try that for you. Gabapentin is really safe, been around for years, doesn't cause liver or kidney problems at all. You can take enough too!! which is nice. It does make you a sleepy though. But it does help. I try and take it through the night, if I get up and go to the bathroom I take my next dosage. It helps to take around the clock. At least that is what works for me. Good luck to you, hope you are doing better. Check in and let me know how you are doing now. :-) God Bless you! ~ jeanna