Blood pressure is through the roof. Why do they continue to lie when you know they are. This is so frustrating.
Because they assume that you won't catch on.
@Regal_Witch13 by now they must know that we will. Especially if they arent even bothering to hide the fact.
Some people just lie, not for gain or advantage they just lie it becomes so normal to them
@grex the rational part of me knows this. The heart doesnt care about that though.
@housemushroom You have to tried and take it easy. Yes your BP is too high, you know how serious that could be? Yes, a stroke, no man is worthed the deterioration of your health! Nothing you do, or say is going to changed who your husband/partner really is! Be strong, the best is yet, to followed...... SG friends are here, to support, and be supported.
@Irma thankyou. Your kindness is appreciated greatly
@kaamini oh no there are consequences. This aint my first rodeo
:( I'm sorry HM. It comes with conceit, I think, and not caring about how you feel. In other words: selfishness and entitlement.
@AnaLeigh yea i think so and a whole other host of cr*p. Thanks ana
Oh nooo!!! You are so prescious to me. Please take good care of yourself!!!! Drink lots of water and lay down and try to free your mind. More important than confronting him is steadying your blood pressure. Have a camomile tea and some deep breaths. So sorry he is being a ****. Sending you strength and ((hugs)) much love.
@Teeny bikini thankyou honey i return your kind thoughts tenfold, you are amazing. I am ok it has passed (the blood pressure) part of this was a misunderstanding. But wouldnt be an issue if it wasnt for past betrayals. Shows how much further we still have to go. Marathon has nothing on this!!
Awww! So glad to hear this!! Yes, misunderstandings are all too familiar. Maybe we should keep that in the forefront of our minds and not jump to conclusions!! Xx
@Teeny bikini its that perception thing. Everything has a taint now
@April our beach is waiting :-)
@housemushroom - will look, can sure use it
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