Body by vi

ok everyone who really wants to lose some weight i have a solution! Body by vi is a weight loss shake that really truly works! i know many people on the shake and they have seen results, im naturally a small person, but i wanted to tone up and its working, my mom has lost 15 pounds with out trying! she really just loves the shakes and was doing it to lower her cholesterol. Anyways i could go on and on, but its up to you to make the decision :).. hope i can help :)

Hi, so tell me more. Where do you get the shakes? What is in them? Is that all you have everyday or is there a meal in there too? I have a slow metabolism because i can't exercise. I am overweight and drink the Special K shakes, which I love. I drink them for meals. Mostly I don't eat a meal, maybe a fruit now and then. Just the shakes. I still don't lose weight. I am at a stand still. I don't feel much like eating most times so the shakes work well for me but I just never lose! So tell me more about your shakes you are talking about.
Thanks!! jeanna

i would like to learn more about these shakes. i have tried slimfast in the past and it has helped. i liked it cause it was full or vitamins and it did encourage eating healthy snacks and a meal.

jeanna, i am sorry you can't exercise, is there any safe movements you can do like walking or low-impact exercises to boost the weight loss? I hope you are eating enough and being healthy. talk to a doctor about things you can do.

hey guys, you order the shakes from now the shakes are incredible, they are a meal replacement shake, so you dont drink them with a meal. you do have to make them but it takes like a minute and you can make them however you want :). the shake mix consists of a powder that you mix withlow fat milk(soy milk), fruits, flavors, whatever you want as long as its not high in calories. if you want to see faster results drink 2 shakes a day. you will see the different packages you can buy when you go to the website and if you need any help feel free to contact me, there is also a phone number on the site, but if you dont see it just email me at [email protected]. im telling you guys if you do the shakes right they will work
:) i havent met a person yet that doesnt see results! also the shakes dont require you to work out, but feel to because it wont hurt :)

oh i meant to tell you, i know people who switched from slimfast to this product and the see much more results and feel even healthier. it is an extremely healthy shake! also there is a way to get it for free, if you want to know how, just let me know:)

My parents are going on a long vacation so I can finally control what I eat. I'd like to try these can I get some for free? Thanks!

I,too, would like to try it for free too. At least a trial start to see if I would like them. I've been on the Smart Cookie Diet, it's expensive and I get hungry.