Body Mind and Soul - Multiple Issues -Share here and lets Find HOPE!

Body, Mind and Soul - Multiple Issues

Share here and lets Find HOPE !

No one has just one problem, with Health or Mind or Life.

It is all connected and one can help to create others.

Health, Mental Health, Life issues and problems are all connected to each other.

If you have a disease that is effecting you, it will effect you work and daily life, maybe you make poor choices that lead to other problems like abuse, crime, drugs and so on...

SO here share everything that is going on.

Lets see if together we can find Answers !

Create a New and Good Life,
Feel and BE Happy,
Less Stress and Pain,
Coping well with the past and future,
Control the health issues with better mental health

and FIND HOPE !!!

i feel that i cant start any conversation specially with the people i love i always wait for them to start and i make them board

Hello ScarH…

I know many people like that and many times others are just waiting for you to talk…

Remember talking to others can many times be negative but TRYIGN and DOING I think is better. To hold it in hurts you, at least to get it out can help some pain in you.

Have you ever tried to just be honest with one person and SAY it out loud to them, “I want to talk to you but…”

Maybe you can try it ???

best of LUCK and Peace Always !!!

Hey NO ONE, thanks for your wonderful post I hope more out there read it, great advice.

Scarheart, welcome to SupportGroups, may I ask what you feel is holding you back from starting a converstation???


Hello April,

Wow thanks !

We are all searching I think maybe we can find answers, but then we need to do the things, I am so GUILTY of procrastination…

Best of LUCK and Peace Always !!!

I am 42 years old. I have suffered from depression most of my life. I have times where I feel okay and I'm able to deal with my depression. Right now is not one of those times. I'm overwhelmed by sad feelings and my ability to leave the house is getting harder every day. I am a survivor of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse. I've been unemployed for 17 months and have been hired and fired twice in the last three months. I've even been told on several occasions that I don't fit the requirements of the job after interviewing. I cry for all week when I'm menstruating and I can't stop that either. Thoughts of suicide linger in my head and the only thing that stops me is the fact that it will hurt my animals and family. I feel like I've hit rock bottom and I'm unsure what to do next.

Hello TheSomeDG…

KEEP THAT THOUGHT, Your animals need you and your family is important.

Come here and talk and share PLEASE… we are here for you !!!

I am lucky I came back after a lot of bad things and the last that destroyed me completely…

BUT IT WAS HARD and still is so hard !!

Every day I fight to be me and FIND ME even.

If you really think you are at ROCK BOTTOM remember UP is the ONLY WAY TO GO and YOU CAN DO IT !

REALLY, I KNOW, I am not a Counceler or phyc or other, I am a SURVIVOR…

So I know… Been there, done that… SADLY…

I was there and BELOW and once I changed me, not sure how but something changed in me… I struggle every day with physcial and mental pain but I struggle and that is the FIRST STEP…

Change who you are, even environment. I left the USA and Moved to China. Bit far but I wanted to live overseas…

Because of crime and lost of everything I owned and worked for in my life I had nothing holding me there, I could go. Saved some money and went one way ticket.

WORK and JOB give us self esteem and purpose and MONEY.

Keep trying, make getting and keeping a job a goal. Make the first change, Make a Goal to get a Job and keep it one Month, Doing anything you have to to keep it. Not talk a lot there, or come in early every day or stay late, or offer to do extra work ANYTHING that can make you into the BEST EMPLOYEE.


That will help the BAD thoughts to leave you some or not bother you some… Push them out when they come to you at work.

SAY NO to the BAD and Negative thoughts…

You can TRY ! Maybe… ?

Then once there one month ! work on 2 months ! then 3…

One step at a time…

Best of LUCK and Peace Always !!!

I must add to my prior post...I suffer from everything listed:
* Abuse
* Anxiety
* Depression
* Fibromyalgia
* Insomnia
* Loneliness
* Stress
* Panic Attack
* Chronic Pain
* Rape
* Self Esteem
* Brain Injury

Hello TheSomeDG !!!


Please for me and YOU !!! Take Care of YOU !!!

You have a Friend !!! Seriously…

Like I said we all have more then one issue and health issues. We can do it, Seriously I KNOW.

I lost all HOPE AND FAITH and was Dead,
literally the WALKING DEAD… NO JOKE…

I was so dead inside but suicide is not my thing but cutting was… I was to Stubborn and Prideful to kill myself, and in some how, in TIME, I survied it and am coming back. I hope maybe even a better me.

Sucked still but I am learning and growing.

The KEY, really learn from things and Grow.

fibromyalgia SUCK and drains you, so do the medications… I am in China and Use natural, But I struggle with pain every day and a BAD JOB just took me back down.

Now I leanred more and am going back up.

we all go up and down, this is LIFE.

But Living Life is the Most important.

SO PLEASE LIVE LIFE !!! Enjoy the little moments and treasure them…

Your friend !

Best of Luck and Peace always…

I don't know how old you are, but there comes a time for all of us to realize when enough is ENOUGH. I will soon be 40, had a traumatic event happen in my teens that has followed me through life. I can't run from it any longer. I finally, after accepting the fact that the medications the doctor had been patching me up with all these years, was not working. I woke up wishing to NOT. I could never take my life, but I don't have the will to live it. I spoke with my family doctor, she recommend I go into the mental health hospital for a few days. I really needed to be put on diffent medications for my current condition, which had changed over time. I knew this, for years. I didn't need a doctor to tell me. It wasn't to say I could live everyday life and function normally. I had proved that for the past 24 years. It was time I stop trying to fight and prove myself to everyone. Yes, what happened to me did effect me, but it didn't make me crazy. Dealing with people thinking I should have went crazy pushed me to succeed. Now, I feel like I have done that and I still have yet, to find happiness.
I did check myself in fo a few days. If not, I wouldn't be writing to you. I isolate myself. They changed my medications and I'm feeling better. I realize now that I am not the only one with problems, and the way others feel around you, effects you also.


I very much understand how you feel. I live in a world of patterns and I am desperately trying to break out of them. Currently I’m isolating myself so I don’t go back into the abusive relationship pattern. I came here searching for help in a psychotherapy, or group type setting. I’m looking for the tools to help me break out of the suicidal thought pattern.

I’m 42 yo and have attempted suicide five times. Over the last ten year period I was able to control my suicidal urge for nine years. It started again a little over a year ago. I’ve been making all the right moves toward living a better life, but my flashbacks over take me.

I can’t go to sleep because every time I close my eyes I see traumatic events that have happened in my life. I hold a secret about my last relationship that is torturing me. I don’t know how to stop it. My mom tells me I have to let go, but she has no idea how traumatic it’s was. She think she’s had it worse than everyone and she has denied that she made mistakes as a parent. I’m a brain injury survivor also, I don’t know if that is a possible reason I have flashbacks all the way to when I was three.

I don’t know what it’s like to live a normal existence, That’s all I want is to live one day without feeling emotional and physical pain!!


Hi No One, wow that's such a incredible post and so very true. I have issues that I have been able to work through here in such a healthy, happy, and positive way..thanks to the amazingly supportive and compassionate group here.

Hey PuppyDL !!!

I am getting Chills today and even crying a little.

BUT HAPPY CRYING, little sad with it but HAPPY.


We do and it is sad, one issue can bring on others and snowball so much, it hurts and even kills…

THANKS !!! for making me Smile today !!!

I was molested by my own biological father at age 7, and was severely abused, physically, emotionally and verbally by him and my mom. I started showing signs of depression at age 8, but was neglected and not treated. I was severely depressed in my teens, dropped out of school, molested by a trusted neighbor - then married him at age 17. My parents did nothing to file a complaint or anything, and just "left me to the wolves."

I inherited 5 step-children, and at age 19 I had them, plus 2 children of my own. And at age 21, my daughter was accidentally & tragically killed by a pickup truck driven by my husband.

We hung in there, and worked out our differences, problems, his indiscretions through the years, and this past February, my husband passed away due to complications following a hip replacement surgery.

Through the years, I have tried to deal with my depression and anxiety and bipolar, which I found out is obviously inherited by my father and his father and his father's mother. I had no choice, and now neither do my children.

I have tried all avenues: medications, natural remedies, over-exercise. Nothing has seemed to work, until I found a wonderful Psychiatrist who actually cared about me, and worked his best to introduce meds, levels, adjustments for over a year, until we found the right combination.

Its working, except for the fact that I am almost 300 pounds now, due to overworking, lack of proper relationships and side-effects of meds.

Now all I can think about is taking care of my little children alone, and trying to survive.

I have good days and bad, but I can only take it one day at a time - thanks to wonderful neighbors, friends and therapist.

HEY Great to hear the GOOD, so sorry for the bad that brought you here !!!

You are beautiful !!!

Keep faith in you and thanks God for the little things that are helping !!! (I am roman catholic but I mean thank whomever you thank, Figuratively !!!)

Sexual abuse is so BAD on the children it effects… we live with it every day…

A time has to come to HEAL and say, OK OVER and DONE. Nothing I can do but, I CAN !!! SURVIVE and LIVE LIFE again !!!

Make a Day for YOU even if just once a MONTH. Take a Little money aside and go out to eat with friends, and walk some place, go to salon get hair washed and blowdry, ANYTHIGN that is JUST FOR YOU !!!

You have to take care of you so you can take care of them !!!

Be Kind and GOOD to Yourself !!!

Your New Friend !!!

Ciao and Peace always !!!

Kolobprincess, was wondering when you'd talk about your past & pieces to the puzzle (my pieces are on different sites too), I'm 54 & mine goes WAY back too & still to this day my sisters (56 & 63) & I still HASH through the wreckage of most of it as we still find our way & learn w/help/therapy/guidance, thanks for sharing that so others can really see (the young ones here that are losing hope)others here may eventually find these posts huh.

Take care

p.s. No One, maybe it IS you that is truly helping the rest here.


I am so Seriously getting chills and crying today !!!! WOW...

I do thrive on helping others it makes me feel like a KING ! in the good way...

Helping others I think and am learning really helps me, I can share my stories and then I realize, it is ok..... So I need to be Positiive to talk to others to spread the positive and what I know.

we can ALL HEAL and HELP each other I believe and most of all HELP OURSELVES in the Process !!!


;-) Apirl ;-)


However, I did find one fantasic thing in life...

The fountain of youth is, Never admit or act your age...

Just be YOURSELF and do the things that make you smile.

- go to a night club,
- have a girls night/sleep over, Guys too,
- go swimming and chat with a Hot Guy for FUN !,
- Go dancing,
- SING OUT loud at home and DONT Vaccume,
- Wear hip clothing but NICE !!!, Young is OK but Sluty, well, Classy Sexy is ok,
- Buy some big earrnings,
- Talk to a stranger at a bar,
- Take a day off of work just because,
- make a day once a week, month etc... JUST FOR YOU !!!
- Buy an elderly person a MEAL when you see them eating alone,
OR even better ASK to Join them, but make it them Helping you, SAY, " OH I hate eating alone, may I eat with you."
- SMILE at Someone EVERY DAY just because !!!!



I ignored my age and took whatever age people thought I was and I never aged and really forget it....

I now let people think I am 62 years old, so they all say WOW you look fantasic, what is your secret, I say lie about your age !!!!

That is ONE LUCKY and Great thing in my life....

No One, I am so happy that I could make you smile. I hope that you are still smiling and feeling good. Please keep sharing with us, you are such a blessing to this site and all of us here. Thank you!



Think about the positiive in your life and focus on that. positive thoughts can heal and help.

yes we think negative and talk negative that is OK... but add in with it a good thing, and then 2 good things.

Even a Meal or food that tasted great the other night. ANYTHING Positive and Happy and Good...

***** a lot but add in some happy and good things at the end and keep going, adding in more and more...